What does the name Pavol mean? What is the meaning of the name Pavol?
Meaning of Pavol: Name Pavol in the Latin origin, means Slovak form of Paul; Latin - Little; Humble; Small. Name Pavol is of Latin origin and is a Boy name.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Pavol: Slovak form of Paul; Latin - Little; Humble; Small
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Famous people with name Pavol (Namesakes)
- Pavol Kosík
Pavol Kosík (born 2 July 1980) is a Slovak former football striker.
- Pavol Hrušovský
- Pavol Rusko
Pavol Rusko is the former leader of the Slovak political party Aliancia nového občana (Alliance of the New Citizen).
- Pavol Šuhaj
Pavol Šuhaj (born 16 April 1981) is a Slovak footballer who played in the Football League for Crewe Alexandra.
- Pavol Straka
Pavol Straka (born 13 December 1980) is a Slovak football player who currently plays for ESV Schwarzenau.
- Pavol Masaryk
Pavol Masaryk (born 11 February 1980) is a Slovak football striker who plays for FK Hodonín.
- Pavol Molnár
Pavol Molnár (born 13 February 1936 in Bratislava) is a former Slovak football player.
- Pavol Staňo
Pavol Staňo (born 29 September 1977) is retired Slovak footballer., currently manager of MŠK Žilina.
- Pavol Michalík
Pavol Michálik (born 29 November 1951) was a former Slovak football goalkeeper.
- Pavol Hurajt
Pavol Hurajt (born 4 February 1978) is a Slovak former biathlete.
- Pavol Hammel
Pavol Hammel (born 7 December 1948, Bratislava) is a Slovak musician, singer and producer.
- Pavol Červenák
Pavol Červenák (Slovak pronunciation: [ˈpaʋɔl ˈtʃɛrʋɛnaːk]; born 1 July 1987), is a professional tennis player from Slovak Republic.
- Pavol Poliaček
Pavol Poliaček (born 4 February 1988) is a Slovak football midfielder who currently plays for FK Dukla Banská Bystrica, on loan from TJ Stráža.
- Pavol Rybár
Pavol Rybár (born 12 October 1971 in Skalica, Czechoslovakia) was a Slovak professional ice hockey goaltender who played in HC Slovan Bratislava in the Slovak Extraliga.
- Pavol Penksa
Pavol Penksa (born 7 November 1985) is a Slovak footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for Fortuna Liga club iClinic Sereď.
- Pavol Strapáč
Pavol Strapáč (born 28 June 1957) is a former football player from Slovakia and currently manager of MŠK Námestovo.
- Pavol Cicman
Pavol Cicman (born 30 January 1985) is a Slovak football striker who plays for 1.FK Svidník in 3.
- Pavol Pavlus
Pavol Pavlus (born 22 June 1974) is a Slovak football midfielder who played for clubs in Czechoslovakia, Russia and Austria.
- Pavol Piatka
Pavol Piatka (born 11 April 1979) is a Slovak football referee and also former professional football forward who currently plays for amateur team ŠK Báhoň.
- Pavol Šafranko
Pavol Šafranko (born 16 November 1994) is a Slovak footballer who plays as a striker for Sepsi Sfântu Gheorghe in Romania.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Pavol Numerology: Name Pavol has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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