What does the name Pavlos mean? What is the meaning of the name Pavlos?
Meaning of Pavlos: Name Pavlos in the Latin, Greek origin, means Greek form of Paul; Latin - Little; Humble; Small. Name Pavlos is of Latin, Greek origin and is a Boy name.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Pavlos: Greek form of Paul; Latin - Little; Humble; Small
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Famous people with name Pavlos (Namesakes)
- Pavlos Vasiliou
- Pavlos Saltsidis
Pavlos Saltsidis (born 17 July 1963) is a Greek weightlifter.
- Pavlos Kanellakis
Pavlos Kanellakis (born 3 May 1939) is a Greek sports shooter.
- Pavlos Laskaris
Pavlos Laskaris (Greek: Παύλος Λάσκαρης; born 19 March 1996) is a Greek professional footballer who plays as a defensive midfielder for Football League club Egaleo.
- Pavlos, Crown Prince of Greece
Pavlos, Crown Prince of Greece, RE (Greek: Παύλος; born 20 May 1967) is the eldest son and second child of Constantine II, the last King of Greece from 1964 to 1973 and his wife, Anne-Marie of Denmark.
- Pavlos Papaioannou
Pavlos Papaioannou (Greek: Παύλος Παπαϊωάννου) is a Greek-Brazilian former football player.
- Pavlos Vartziotis
Pavlos Vartziotis (born 27 January 1981) is a Greek footballer who is currently playing for Thiella Katsikas.
- Pavlos Kontides
Pavlos Kontides (Greek: Παύλος Κοντίδης, born 11 February 1990) is a Cypriot sailor.
- Pavlos Beligratis
Pavlos Beligratis (Greek: Παύλος Μπελιγράτης; born November 16, 1977 in Athens) is a Greek beach volleyball player.
Beligratis competed at the FIVB Beach Volleyball World Tour between 2000 and 2005.
- Pavlos Samios
Pavlos Samios (Greek: Παύλος Σάμιος; born 1948) is a Greek painter and professor at the Athens School of Fine Arts.
- Pavlos Correa
Pavlos Correa (Greek: Παύλος Κορρέα; born 14 July 1998) is a Cypriot footballer who plays for Cypriot First Division club Ethnikos Achna.
- Pavlos Fotiadis
Pavlos Fotiadis (born 15 November 1964) is a Cypriot alpine skier.
- Pavlos Stamelos
Pavlos Stamelos (Greek: Παύλος Σταμέλος; born August 2, 1950 in Greece) is a Greek retired professional basketball player and coach.
- Pavlos Lespouridis
Pavlos Lespouridis (born 2 November 1958) is a Greek weightlifter.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 22
Baby Name Pavlos Numerology: Name Pavlos has a number value of 22 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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