What does the name Patton mean? What is the meaning of the name Patton?
Meaning of Patton: Name Patton in the English origin, means He belongs to warrior's town. Name Patton is of English origin and is a Boy name. People with name Patton are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Patton (Namesakes)
- Mike Patton
Michael Allan Patton (born January 27, 1968) is an American musician, singer, songwriter, actor, record producer, multi-instrumentalist and film composer, best known as the lead vocalist of the alternative metal band Faith No More.
- Will Patton
William Rankin Patton (born June 14, 1954) is an American actor and audiobook narrator.
- Patton Oswalt
Patton Peter Oswalt (born January 27, 1969) is an American stand-up comedian, actor, voice actor, and writer, known for playing Spencer Olchin in the sitcom The King of Queens (1998–2007), voicing Remy in the Pixar film Ratatouille (2007), co-starring opposite Charlize Theron in Young Adult (2011) and guest starring as the Koenigs on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (2014–2017).
- Dylan Patton
Dylan Michael Patton (born July 13, 1992) is an American former actor and former child model.
- Donovan Patton
Donovan Patton (born March 1, 1978) is an American actor, voice actor, host and singer.
- Mark Patton
Mark Patton (born September 22, 1959) is an American interior designer and actor.
- Brad Patton
Brad Patton (born 7 August 1972) is a former gay pornographic actor.
- Chris Patton
Christopher David Patton (born March 15, 1971 in Houston, Texas) is an American voice actor who has worked on a number of English-language versions of Japanese anime series that have been dubbed by ADV Films, Funimation, and Seraphim Digital/Sentai Filmworks.
- Paula Patton
Paula Maxine Patton (born December 5, 1975) is an American actress.
- Marvcus Patton
Marvcus Raymond Patton (born May 1, 1967) is a former professional American football player who was selected by the Buffalo Bills in the 8th round of the 1990 NFL Draft.
- Ricardo Patton
Ricardo Maurice Patton (born October 23, 1958) is an American college basketball coach who most recently served as senior advisor to the head men's basketball coach at Vanderbilt University.
- Troy Patton
Troy Jamieson Patton (born September 3, 1985) is an American former professional baseball pitcher.
- Tom Patton
Thomas F. Patton (born November 3, 1953) is the state representative for the 7th District of the Ohio House of Representatives.
- Bart Patton
Bart Patton (born Phillip Bardwell; 11 July 1939 in Culver City, California), is an American actor, producer, and director.
- Quinton Patton
Quinton Arne Patton (born August 9, 1990) is a former American football wide receiver.
- Virginia Patton
Virginia Ann Patton (born June 25, 1925) is an American retired businesswoman and former actress.
- Spencer Patton
Spencer Burdette Patton (born February 20, 1988) is an American professional baseball pitcher for the Yokohama DeNA BayStars of Nippon Professional Baseball (NPB).
- Justin Patton
Justin Nicholas Patton (born June 14, 1997) is an American professional basketball player for the Wisconsin Herd of the NBA G League.
- Andre Patton
Andre Patton (born May 28, 1994) is an American football wide receiver for the Los Angeles Chargers of the National Football League (NFL).
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Patton Numerology: Name Patton has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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