What does the name Patrik mean? What is the meaning of the name Patrik
Meaning of Patrik: Name Patrik in the French origin, means A noble patrician; who is sensitive. Name Patrik is of French origin and is a Boy name. People with name Patrik are usually Judaism by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Patrik: A noble patrician; who is sensitive
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Famous people with name Patrik (Namesakes)
- Patrik Andersson
Patrik Jonas Andersson (pronounced [ˈpɑ̌ːtrɪk ˈânːdɛˌʂɔn]; born 18 August 1971) is a Swedish former footballer who played as a defender.
- Patrik Berger
Patrik Berger (Czech pronunciation: [ˈpatrɪk ˈbɛrɡr̩]; born 10 November 1973) is a Czech former professional footballer who played as a midfielder.
- Patrik Sjöberg
Jan Niklas Patrik Sjöberg (Swedish pronunciation: [ˈpɑ̌ːtrɪk ˈɧø̂ːbærj]; born 5 January 1965) is a Swedish former high jumper.
- Patrik Antonius
Patrik Antonius (born 13 December 1980 in Helsinki, Finland) is a Finnish professional poker player, former tennis player and coach, and model from Vantaa, Finland.
- Patrik Gerrbrand
Patrik "Totte" Gerrbrand (born 27 April 1981 in Älvsjö) is a retired Swedish professional footballer.
- Patrik Berglund
Patrik Berglund (born 2 June 1988) is a Swedish professional ice hockey centre is currently playing for Djurgårdens IF of the Swedish Hockey League (SHL).
- Patrik Bojent
Patrik Bojent (Swedish pronunciation: [ˈpɑ̌ːtrɪk bʊˈjɛnːt]; born Patrik Karlsson on December 26, 1980), is a Swedish footballer who plays as a defender.
- Patrik Baboumian
Patrik Baboumian (Persian: پاتریک بابومیان, Armenian: Բադրիք Պապումեան; born 1 July 1979) is an Iranian-born German-Armenian strongman and former bodybuilder.
- Patrik Anttonen
Mats Patrik Anttonen (born 6 March 1980) is a Swedish retired footballer who played as a defender.
- Patrik Kittel
Patrik Kittel (born 10 June 1976 in Österåker, Sweden) is a Swedish horse rider.
- Patrik Kundrátek
Patrik Kundrátek (born 15 February 1994) is a Czech football player who plays for FC Baník Ostrava.
- Patrik Schick
Patrik Schick (born 24 January 1996) is a Czech professional footballer who plays as a forward for German club RB Leipzig, on loan from Italian club Roma and the Czech Republic national team.
- Patrik Carlgren
Patrik Carlgren (born 8 January 1992) is a Swedish footballer goalkeeper who plays for Danish club Randers FC.
- Patrik Laine
Patrik Laine (Finnish pronunciation: [ˈpɑt̪rik ˈlɑi̯ne̞ʔ]; born 19 April 1998) is a Finnish professional ice hockey winger who currently plays for the Winnipeg Jets in the National Hockey League (NHL).
- Patrik Eler
Patrik Eler (born 13 June 1991) is a Slovenian footballer who plays as a forward for SC Austria Lustenau.
- Patrik Gunnarsson
Patrik Sigurður Gunnarsson (born 15 November 2000) is an Icelandic professional football goalkeeper who plays for English club Brentford.
- Nils Patrik Johansson
Nils Patrik Johansson (born 14 October 1967) is a Swedish heavy metal singer who has been the lead singer of Astral Doors since 2002 and was the lead vocalist of Civil War from 2012 to 2016.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Patrik Numerology: Name Patrik has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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