What does the name Patricio mean? What is the meaning of the name Patricio?
Meaning of Patricio: Name Patricio in the French, Portuguese, Spanish origin, means Name given to a patrician and a nobleman. Name Patricio is of French, Portuguese, Spanish origin and is a Boy name. People with name Patricio are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Patricio (Namesakes)
- Patricio Borghetti
Juan Patricio Borghetti Imérito (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈxwan paˈtɾisjo βoɾˈɣeti iˈmeɾito]; born December 5, 1973 in Buenos Aires) is an Argentine actor and singer.
- Patricio Araujo
Patricio Gabriel Araujo Vázquez (born 30 January 1988 in Colima, Mexico) is a Mexican footballer.
- Patricio González
Patricio González (born December 20, 1979 in Buenos Aires) is an Argentine football midfielder.
- Patricio Sturlese
Patricio Sturlese (born October 23, 1973 in Buenos Aires) is an Argentinian writer.
- Patricio Guzmán
Patricio Guzmán Lozanes (born August 11, 1941) is a Chilean documentary film director.
- Patricio Toranzo
Patricio Toranzo (born 19 March 1982 in Buenos Aires) is an Argentine football midfielder.
- Patricio Almendra
Patricio Antonio Almendra Cifuentes (Spanish pronunciation: [paˈtɾisjo alˈmendɾa], born 3 September 1977) was a Chilean footballer and current manager.
- Patricio Rubio
Patricio Rodolfo Rubio Pulgar (born 18 April 1989) is a Chilean footballer who plays as a forward for Everton.
- Patricio Morales
Patricio Eliseo Morales Gaete (born September 13, 1977 in Concepción) is a retired Chilean footballer that currently plays for Lota Schwager in the Liga Chilena de Fútbol: Primera B.
- Patricio Mac Allister
Carlos Patricio Mac Allister (born 20 March 1966) is an Argentine former footballer who played as a striker for clubs in Argentina, Mexico and Japan.
- Patricio Guillén
Patricio Damián Guillén Gandini (born 28 December 1984 in Montevideo) is an Uruguayan footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for Spanish club SD Compostela.
- Patricio Sebastián
Patricio Sebastián (born March 3, 2003), is a Mexican television actor.
- Patricio O'Ward
Patricio "Pato" O'Ward (born 6 May 1999) is a Mexican race car driver and 2018 Indy Lights champion.
- Patricio Garino
Patricio "Pato" Garino Gullotta (born May 17, 1993) is an Argentine-Italian professional basketball player for the Baskonia of the Liga ACB and the EuroLeague.
- Patricio Lorente
Patricio Lorente (born March 19, 1969 in La Plata) is an Argentine scholar and General Secretary of the National University of La Plata.
- Patricio Manuel
Patricio "Pat" Manuel (born July 22, 1985) is an American professional boxer.
- Patricio Pron
Patricio Pron (born December 9, 1975) is an Argentine literary writer and critic translated into half a dozen languages including English, German, French and Italian.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Patricio Numerology: Name Patricio has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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