What does the name Pascale mean? What is the meaning of the name Pascale
Meaning of Pascale: Name Pascale in the French, Dutch origin, means One who is born on passover. Name Pascale is of French, Dutch origin and is a Boy name. People with name Pascale are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Pascale (Namesakes)
- Pascale Bussières
Pascale Bussières (born June 27, 1968) is a French Canadian actress.
- Pascale Hutton
Pascale Hutton (born June 14, 1979) is a Canadian actress.
- Pascale Machaalani
Pascale Bechara Bachaalani (Arabic: باسكال بشارة مشعلاني; born 27 March 1967) is a Lebanese singer.
- Pascale Cossart
Pascale Cossart (born 21 March 1948) is a bacteriologist at the Pasteur Institute of Paris, and the foremost authority on Listeria monocytogenes, a deadly and common food-borne pathogen responsible for encephalitis, meningitis, bacteremia, gastroenteritis, and other diseases.
- Pascale Sourisse
Pascale Sourisse (born 7 March 1962) is a French businesswoman.
- Pascale Nadeau
Pascale Nadeau (born April 2, 1960) is a Canadian news presenter for Télévision de Radio-Canada from Quebec.
- Pascale Arbillot
Pascale Arbillot (born 17 April 1970) is a French actress.
- Pascale Sakr
Education: Law degree
Pascale Etienne Sakr (Arabic: باسكال إتيان صقر; born September 23, 1964) is a female Lebanese singer.
- Ronnie Pascale
Ronnie Pascale (born September 6, 1976 in North Salem, New York) is a retired American soccer player.
- Lorraine Pascale
Lorraine Pascale (born 17 November 1972) is a British television TV chef and USA Food Network host and former top model, best known for selling almost one million books in the UK alone.
- Pascale Ferran
Pascale Ferran (French: [fɛʁɑ̃]; born 17 April 1960) is a French film director and screenwriter.
- Pascale Boistard
Pascale Boistard (born 4 January 1971) is a French politician and former State Secretary for Women's Rights.
- Pascale Petit (actress)
Pascale Petit (born Anne-Marie Pettit; 27 February 1938) is a French actress.
- Pascale Pouzadoux
Pascale Pouzadoux (born 19 April 1970) is a French film director, screenwriter and actress.
- Pascale Ducongé
Pascale Ducongé (born 6 January 1961) is a French former swimmer.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Pascale Numerology: Name Pascale has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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