What does the name Parke mean? What is the meaning of the name Parke?
Meaning of Parke: Name Parke in the French origin, means Old French - Park Keeper; Of the Forest;. Name Parke is of French origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Parke (Namesakes)
- Jeff Parke
Jeff Parke (born March 23, 1982) is a former American soccer player.
- Frederic Parke
Frederic Ira Parke graduated from the University of Utah with a BS degree in physics in 1965.
- Simon Parke
Simon Parke (born 10 August 1972 in Oakham, Rutland, United Kingdom) is a former professional squash player from England.
- Evan Parke
Evan Dexter O'Neal Parke (born 2 January 1968) is a Jamaican-born American actor perhaps best known for his role as Hayes in King Kong.
- Melissa Parke
Melissa Parke (born 11 August 1966) is a UN human rights expert and a former Australian Labor Party politician who served as Member of the Australian Parliament (MP) Fremantle from 2007 to 2016.
- Greg Parke (footballer)
Greg Parke (born 18 April 1948) is a former Australian rules footballer who played for Melbourne, Footscray and Fitzroy in the Victorian Football League (VFL).
- Ross Parke
Ross Parke (born February 18, 1932 in Winnipeg, Manitoba) was a Canadian ice hockey amateur forward.
- Ronan Parke
Ronan Parke (born 8 August 1998) is an English singer from Poringland, Norfolk, UK who came runner-up in the fifth series of ITV show Britain's Got Talent in 2011 when he was 12 despite being the bookies' favourite to win.
- Norman Parke
Norman Parke (born 22 December 1986) is a Northern Irish mixed martial artist.
- Parke Wentling
Parke Wentling is a member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, representing the 17th House district.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Parke Numerology: Name Parke has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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