What does the name Parada mean? What is the meaning of the name Parada
Meaning of Parada: Name Parada in the Indian origin, means The name of a brahman who brought news of Nala in Mahabharat. Name Parada is of Indian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Parada are usually Hindu by religion.
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Famous people with name Parada (Namesakes)
- Lidia Parada
Lidia Parada Santos (born 11 June 1993) is a Spanish athlete specialising in the javelin throw.
- Alok
- Guillermo Antonio Parada
Guillermo Antonio Parada Machuca (born 21 May 1986) is a Salvadoran football player, who most recently played for Águila in the Salvadoran Premier League.
- Aloka
- Enrique Parada
Enrique Parada Salvatierra (born November 4, 1981 in Huacaraje) is a Bolivian footballer who most recently played for San José.
- Ricardo Parada
Ricardo Alex Parada Sáez (born January 2, 1985), is a Chilean footballer.
- Felipe Parada
Felipe Parada (Spanish pronunciation: [feˈlipe paˈɾaða]; born 16 May 1982) is a Chilean professional tennis player.
- Anibal Oswaldo Parada Najarro
Aníbal Oswaldo Parada Najarro (born January 22, 1984) is a Salvadoran professional football player who plays as a midfielder.
- Andrés Parada
Andrés Antonio Parada Barrera (born 20 March 1984) is a Chilean footballer.
- Jose Parada
Jose Parada (born September 24, 1987 in Houston, Texas) is an American soccer player.
- Juan Luis Mora Parada
Juan Luis Mora (born 17 September 1979) is a former Chilean footballer.
- Jaime Parada
José Jaime Parada Hoyl (born Santiago, Chile; November 2, 1977) is a Chilean gay rights activist and politician who became the first openly gay person elected to public office in Chile.
- Javier Castelo Parada
Javier Castelo Parada (born 26 October 1945) is a Mexican politician affiliated with the PAN. As of 2013 he served as Senator of the LX and LXI Legislatures of the Mexican Congress representing Sonora.
- David Parada
David Parada Calvillo (born 8 March 1987) is a Spanish professional footballer who plays as a defensive midfielder.
- Oleg Parada
Oleg Parada (Russian: Олег Парада; born 5 February 1969) is a former Russian football player who played for various professional and amateur clubs.
- Matías Parada
Matías Cristóbal Parada Parra (born 2 April 1998) is a Chilean footballer who currently plays for Segunda División de Chile club Independiente de Cauquenes as a midfielder.
- José Atilio Benítez Parada
José Atilio Benítez Parada (born June 21, 1958) is Salvadoran General, ambassador and former Minister of Defense.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Parada Numerology: Name Parada has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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