What does the name Paola mean? What is the meaning of the name Paola
Meaning of Paola: Name Paola in the Latin, Italian origin, means Latin - Small; Little; Humble; A derivative from the name Paula. Name Paola is of Latin, Italian origin and is a Girl name.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Paola: Latin - Small; Little; Humble; A derivative from the name Paula
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Famous people with name Paola (Namesakes)
- Queen Paola of Belgium
Queen Paola of Belgium (née Donna Paola Ruffo di Calabria; born 11 September 1937) is the wife of King Albert II and was Queen of the Belgians from 1993 until his abdication in 2013 in favour of their son King Philippe.
- Paola Rey
Paola Andrea Rey Arciniegas (born December 19, 1979, in Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia) is a Colombian actress and model.
- Paola Krum
Andrea Paola Krum (born June 21, 1970 in Palermo, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina), better known as Paola Krum, is an actress, singer, and dancer, and is one of the many multi-talented Argentine performers of the present day.
- Paola Rojas
Paola Rojas (born Paola Rojas Hinojosa; November 20, 1976) is a Mexican television news anchor.
- Paola Turbay
Paola Turbay Gómez (born November 29, 1970) is a Colombian-American actress, model, beauty queen, and television presenter.
- Paola Pitagora
Paola Pitagora (born 24 August 1941) is an Italian film actress.
- Danna Paola
Danna Paola Rivera Munguía (born 23 June 1995), better known as Danna Paola, is a Mexican actress, singer and model.
- Paola Severino
Paola Severino (born 22 October 1948) was Italy's minister of justice in the Monti cabinet from November 2011 to April 2013.
- Paola Núñez
Paola Núñez Rivas (born April 8, 1978), also known as Paola Núñez, is a Mexican actress and producer.
- Paola Andino
Paola Nicole Andino (born March 22, 1998) is an American actress known for her lead role as Emma Alonso in the Nickelodeon series, Every Witch Way.
- Paola Díaz
Paola Alejandra Díaz (born 18 January 1992) is a Mexican triathlete.
- Paola Ramos
Paola Ramos Xdona (born (1975-04-20)20 April 1975) is a retired Peruvian female volleyball player.
- Paola Foka
Paola Foka (born June 25, 1982), born Pagona Karamitsou, is a Greek singer
- Paola Egonu
Paola Ogechi Egonu (born 18 December 1998) is an Italian female volleyball player of Nigerian heritage.
- Paola Lázaro
Paola Lázaro is a Puerto Rican actress and dramatic writer who currently portrays Juanita Sanchez, better known as "Princess", on the AMC horror drama series The Walking Dead.
- Paola Carosella
Paola Florencia Carosella (born October 30, 1972) is an Italian Argentine cook, businesswoman, executive and celebrity chef currently based in Brazil.
- Paola Galue
Paola Valentina Galue Greco (born 21 October 1992), also known as Paola Galue, is an Venezuelan actress, model and singer.
- Paola Pisano
Paola Pisano (born 4 January 1977) is an Italian academic and politician for the Five Star Movement.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Paola Numerology: Name Paola has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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