What does the name Pant mean? What is the meaning of the name Pant
Meaning of Pant: Name Pant in the Arthurian origin, means It means hollow; the father of Lancelot. Name Pant is of Arthurian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Pant are usually Judaism by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Pant: It means hollow; the father of Lancelot
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Famous people with name Pant (Namesakes)
- Kate Panter
Kate Panter (born 3 May 1962) is a British rower.
- Horace Panter
Horace Panter (born Stephen Graham Panter, 30 August 1953) also known as Sir Horace Gentleman, is the bassist for the British 2 Tone ska band The Specials.
- Ila Pant
Ila Pant (born 10 March 1938) is an Indian politician who was a Member of Parliament in 12th Lok Sabha from Nainital constituency of Uttar Pradesh (now part of Uttarakhand).
- Sorabh Pant
Sorabh Pant is an Indian stand-up comedian and writer.
- Deepali Pant Joshi
- Prafulla Chandra Pant
Justice Prafulla Chandra Pant (born 30 August 1952) is an Indian author and a former Judge of the Supreme Court of India.
- Naresh Dev Pant
Dev Naresh (Nepali: देव नरेश) Popularly known as " Dev Naresh " is one of the Nepalese @Graphic Designer, Wall Artist, Artist and Web Designer presenter.
- Sean Panting
Sean Panting is a songwriter, musician and actor based in St.
- Rishabh Pant
Rishabh Rajendra Pant (born 4 October 1997) is a professional Indian cricketer who plays for India, Delhi, and the Delhi Capitals in the Indian Premier League.
- Ranjan Pant
Ranjan Pant is a CEO Advisor, global strategy management consultant and a change management expert.
- Chandra Pant
Chandra Prakash Pant ((Nepali: चन्द्र पन्त); born 28 November 1987) is re known action director of Nepali and Bhojpuri Film Industry.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Pant Numerology: Name Pant has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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