What does the name Pankaj mean? What is the meaning of the name Pankaj
Meaning of Pankaj: Name Pankaj in the Indian origin, means Born from the mud, Lotus; Another name of Hindu God Brahma;. Name Pankaj is of Indian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Pankaj are usually Hindu by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Pankaj: Born from the mud, Lotus; Another name of Hindu God Brahma;
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Famous people with name Pankaj (Namesakes)
- Pankaj Advani (billiards player)
Pankaj Arjan Advani (born 24 July 1985) is an Indian billiards and snooker player.
- Pankaj Kapur
Pankaj Kapur (born 29 May 1954) is an Indian theatre, television and film actor.
- Pankaj Udhas
Pankaj Udhas is a ghazal singer, hailing from Gujarat in India.
- Pankaj Choudhary
Pankaj Choudhary (born 20 November 1964) is a Politician India belonging to the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).
- Pankaj Singh (cricketer)
Pankaj Singh (born 6 May 1985) is an Indian cricketer.
- Pankaj Ghemawat
Pankaj Ghemawat (born September 30, 1959) is an Indian-American economist, professor, global strategist, speaker and author known for his work in the study of globalization.
- Pankaj Dheer
Pankaj Dheer is an Indian actor who appears in Hindi films and TV series.
- Pankaj Pachauri
Pankaj Pachauri (Hindi: पंकज पचौरी) (born 24 September 1963) is an Indian TV anchor and journalist.
- Amista
- Pankaj Singh (politician)
Pankaj Singh (born 12 December 1978) is an Indian politician who is BJP's General Secretary for Uttar Pradesh.
- Pankaj Dubey
Pankaj Dubey (born 28 July 1978) is an Indian Author, screenwriter, Director, Producer and a Social Entrepreneur from Mumbai.
- Pankaj Bhadouria
Pankaj Bhadouria is the winner of MasterChef India Season 1 (2010).
- Pankaj Berry
Pankaj Berry (born 8 July 1961) is an Indian film and television actor.
- Pankaj Bora
- Pankaj Jaiswal
Pankaj Jaiswal (born 20 September 1995) is an Indian cricketer who plays for Himachal Pradesh.
- Pankaj Joshi
Pankaj Joshi (born 8 October 1980) is an Indian former cricketer.
- Pankaj Saran
Pankaj Saran (born 22 November 1958) is an Indian diplomat and a former officer in the Indian Foreign Service.
- Pankaj Prasun
Pankaj Prasun (born 2 January 1984, Hindi: पंकज प्रसून) is a Hindi poet, satirist, humorist and author from India.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Pankaj Numerology: Name Pankaj has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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