What does the name Pam mean? What is the meaning of the name Pam
Meaning of Pam: Name Pam in the American, English origin, means One who is filled with sweetness. Name Pam is of American, English origin and is a Girl name. People with name Pam are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Pam (Namesakes)
- Pam Ferris
Pamela E. Ferris (born 11 May 1948) is a Welsh actress.
- Pam Bondi
Pamela Jo Bondi (born November 17, 1965) is an American attorney, lobbyist, and politician.
- Pam Ayres
Pamela Ayres MBE (born 14 March 1947) is an English poet, comedian, songwriter and presenter of radio and television programmes.
- Pam St Clement
Pamela Ann Clements (born 11 May 1942), known professionally as Pam St Clement, is an English actress.
- Pam Ling
Pam Ling (born April 21, 1968) is an American physician, best known as a castmate on The Real World: San Francisco, the third season of MTV's long-running reality television show.
- Pamela Anderson
Pamela Denise Anderson (born July 1, 1967) is a Canadian-American actress, model, activist, television personality, and author.
- Pam Dawber
Pamela Dawber (born October 18, 1951) is an American actress best known for her lead television sitcom roles as Mindy McConnell in Mork & Mindy (1978–1982) and Samantha Russell in My Sister Sam (1986–1988).
- Pam Grier
Pamela Suzette Grier (born May 26, 1949) is an American actress.
- Pam Shriver
Pamela Howard Shriver (born July 4, 1962) is a former professional tennis player from the U.S. known primarily as a doubles specialist, but also with success as a singles player.
- Pam Tillis
Pamela Yvonne Tillis (born July 24, 1957) is an American country music singer and actress.
- Pamela Adlon
Pamela Adlon (, née Segall; born July 9, 1966) is an American actress, voice actress, screenwriter, producer, and director.
- Pam Royle
Pamela June Royle (born 30 June 1958) is a British television presenter employed by ITV Tyne Tees & Border.
- Pam Potillo
Pamela Potillo (born April 30, 1974 in Trenton, New Jersey) is an American actress.
- Pam Brady
Pam Brady (born July 28, 1969) is an American writer and television producer, best known for her work with Trey Parker and Matt Stone.
- Pam Byrnes
Pam Byrnes (born June 25, 1947) is a former Democratic State Representative in the Michigan State House of Representatives, representing the 52nd District, which covers parts of Washtenaw County.
- Sam Pam
Samuel Pam Junior (born 1 June 1968), known as Sam Pam or Sam Pam Junior, is a former Nigerian defender and midfielder.
- Pam Hupp
Pamela Marie Hupp (née Neumann; born October 10, 1958) is an American woman who in 2016 murdered Louis Gumpenberger, a crime for which she is serving a life sentence.
- Pam Sorenson
Pam Sorenson (born March 3, 1986) is an American mixed martial artist and competes in Featherweight division of the Invicta Fighting Championships and is the current Invicta Featherweight Champion (Invicta).
- Pam Iovino
Pamela M. Iovino is an American politician from the state of Pennsylvania.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Pam Numerology: Name Pam has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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