What does the name Paloma mean? What is the meaning of the name Paloma
Meaning of Paloma: Name Paloma in the Latin, Spanish origin, means Latin - Dove; Peaceful; Derived from Palumbus which means a symbol of peace. Name Paloma is of Latin, Spanish origin and is a Girl name.
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Famous people with name Paloma (Namesakes)
- Paloma Rao
- Paloma San Basilio
Paloma Cecilia San Basilio Martínez (born November 22, 1950), known as Paloma San Basilio (IPA: [paˈloma sam baˈsiljo]), is a Spanish singer, songwriter, producer and actress.
- Paloma Picasso
Paloma Picasso (born Anne Paloma Ruiz-Picasso y Gilot in Vallauris on 19 April 1949), is a French and Spanish fashion designer and businesswoman, best known for her jewelry designs for Tiffany & Co.
- Paloma Baeza
Paloma Baeza (born 1 May 1975) is a British former actress and current director of English and Mexican descent.
- Paloma Bloyd
Paloma Bloyd (1988, 6 March, Chicago, Illinois) is a Spanish and American actress.
- Paloma Lago
Paloma Pérez-Lago González (born 22 May 1967 in Ferrol) is a Spanish model and television presenter.
- Paloma Faith
Paloma Faith Blomfield (born 21 July 1981) is an English singer, songwriter, and actress.
- Paloma O'Shea
Paloma O'Shea Artiñano, 1st Marchioness of O'Shea, (born 1936), is a pianist, patron of the arts, founder and current president of the Reina Sofía School of Music and founder and president of the Albéniz Foundation, which organizes the Paloma O'Shea Santander International Piano Competition in Santander (Spain).
- Paloma Márquez
Paloma Márquez (born April 12, 1986) is a Mexican actress.
- Paloma Schmidt
Paloma Schmidt Gutiérrez (born 24 January 1987, in Lima) is a Peruvian sports sailor.
At the 2008 and 2012 Summer Olympics, she competed in the Women's Laser Radial class, finishing in 26th and 39th place respectively.
- Paloma Bernardi
Paloma Bernardi (born April 21, 1985) is a Brazilian actress.
- Paloma Kwiatkowski
Paloma Kwiatkowski (born May 29, 1994) is a Polish-Canadian film and television actress.
- Paloma Elsesser
Paloma Kai Shockley Elsesser (born April 12, 1992) is an American plus size fashion model.
- Paloma Duarte
Paloma Marcos Sanches Silva (born 21 May 1977) is a Brazilian actress, best known as Paloma Duarte for Two Sons of Francisco (2005), Leo e Bia (2010) and Soulbound (2011).
- Paloma Mami
Paloma Rocío Castillo Astorga (born November 11, 1999), known professionally as Paloma Mami, is a Chilean-American singer.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Paloma Numerology: Name Paloma has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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