What does the name Palma mean? What is the meaning of the name Palma
Meaning of Palma: Name Palma in the Latin origin, means Latin - Palm Tree; Habitational name for someone from Parma in Italy. Name Palma is of Latin origin and is a Girl name.
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Famous people with name Palma (Namesakes)
- Héctor Luis Palma Salazar
Héctor Luis Palma Salazar (a.k.a.: "El Güero Palma") is a former Mexican drug trafficker and leader of the Sinaloa Cartel alongside Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán.
- Brian De Palma
Brian Russell De Palma (born September 11, 1940) is an American film director and screenwriter.
- Emilio Palma
Emilio Marcos Palma (born 7 January 1978) is an Argentine man who was the first documented person born on the continent of Antarctica.
- Rossy de Palma
Rosa Elena García Echave (born 16 September 1964), better known as Rossy de Palma, is a Spanish actress.
- Adalberto Palma
Adalberto Palma Ruiz Galindo (born February 3, 1981 in Mexico City) is a former Mexican football player, who last played as a defender for Monarcas Morelia in the Mexican First Division.
- Mário Palma
Mário Leonel Faria Borges de Palma (born June 27, 1950) is a Portuguese basketball coach.
- Marcelo Palma
Marcelo Moreira Palma (born June 2, 1966) is a retired male race walker from Brazil.
- Tina Monzon-Palma
Tina Monzon-Palma (born Maria Cristina Mapa Monzon on March 29, 1951 in Manila) is a Filipina broadcast journalist and anchorwoman.
- Milagros Palma
Milagros Palma (born 19 May 1973) is a Cuban fencer.
- Ever Palma
Ever Jair Palma Olivares (born March 18, 1992 in Zitácuaro, Michoacán) is a Mexican racewalker.
- Isaac Palma
Isaac Antonio Palma Olivares (born October 26, 1990 in Zitácuaro, Michoacán) is a Mexican racewalker.
- Hilary Palma
Hilary Palma (born January 5, 1997) is a Peruvian volleyball player who plays for the Peru national team.
- Odette Palma
Odette Jeanette Chantal Palma Lafourcade (born 7 August 1982, in Osorno, Los Lagos) is a Chilean athlete specializing in the hammer throw.
- Antonio Palma
Antonio Palma (born 3 January 1994) is an Italian footballer who plays for Rimini on loan from Giana Erminio, as a midfielder.
- Giuseppe Palma
Giuseppe Palma (born 20 January 1994) is an Italian footballer.
- Luis Palma
Luis Enrique Palma Oseguera (born 17 January 2000) is a Honduran footballer who plays as a midfielder for Honduran club C.D.S. Vida.
- Wilter Palma
Wilter Yap Palma is a Filipino politician from the province of Zamboanga Sibugay in the Philippines.
- Alfredo Palma
Alfredo Palma (born 16 July 1955) is a Nicaraguan weightlifter.
- Oscar Palma
Oscar Palma (born 7 October 1955) is a Colombian weightlifter.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Palma Numerology: Name Palma has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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