What does the name Pala mean? What is the meaning of the name Pala
Meaning of Pala: Name Pala in the Native American origin, means Like a guardian; water; near upland meadow. Name Pala is of Native American origin and is a Unisex name. People with name Pala are usually Judaism by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Pala: Like a guardian; water; near upland meadow
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Famous people with name Pala (Namesakes)
- Ali Pala
Hüseyin-Ali Pala (born 9 April 1990) is a Turkish-German footballer who plays for Bayburt İdarespor.
- Kila Pala
Kila Pala (born 16 May 1986) is a Papua New Guinean cricketer.
- Doğukan Pala
Tevfik Doğukan Pala (born 10 July 1992) is a Turkish professional footballer who plays as a left back for Yeni Orduspor.
- Pala. Karuppiah
- İskender Pala
İskender Pala (born 1958, in Turkey) is a Turkish Divan (Ottoman) Poetry Professor and author of best seller novels.
- Vincent Pala
Vincent H Pala (born 14 February 1968 Village) is an Indian politician, belonging to Indian National Congress.
- Libor Pala
Libor Pala (born 22 July 1961) is a Czech football coach.
- Exequiel Palacios
Exequiel Alejandro Palacios (Spanish pronunciation: [ekseˈkjel paˈla.sjos]; 5 October 1998) is an Argentine footballer who plays as a midfielder for Bayer Leverkusen and the Argentina national team.
- Carlos Ramirez Pala
Carlos Ramirez de Azevedo Silva Pala (born 26 July 1985) is a Brazilian individual and synchronised trampoline gymnast, representing his nation at international competitions.
- Giovanna Pala
Giovanna Pala (born 15 July 1932) is an Italian actress.
- Volkan Pala
Volkan Pala (born 24 February 1997) is a Turkish professional footballer who plays as a striker for Ankara Adliyespor on loan from Turkish Süper Lig club Galatasaray.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Pala Numerology: Name Pala has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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