What does the name Padgett mean? What is the meaning of the name Padgett
Meaning of Padgett: Name Padgett in the French origin, means One who attends a noble person's house. Name Padgett is of French origin and is a Boy name. People with name Padgett are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Padgett (Namesakes)
- Scott Padgett
Scott Anthony Padgett (born April 19, 1976) is a retired American professional basketball player.
- Doug Padgett
Douglas Ernest Vernon Padgett (born 20 July 1934, Bradford) is a former English cricketer, who played more than 500 first-class matches and represented England in Tests twice, both in 1960.
- Ron Padgett
Ron Padgett (born June 17, 1942, Tulsa, Oklahoma) is an American poet, essayist, fiction writer, translator, and a member of the New York School.
- Guy Padgett
Guy V. Padgett III (born 1977) is a former American municipal politician from Wyoming.
- David Padgett
David Christopher Padgett (born February 13, 1985) is an American basketball coach who served as the interim head coach for the Louisville Cardinals for the 2017-18 season.
- Padgett Powell
Padgett Powell (born April 25, 1952 in Gainesville, Florida) is an American novelist in the Southern literary tradition.
- Travis Padgett
Travis Padgett (born December 13, 1986) is a track and field sprint athlete who competes internationally for the United States.
- Matt Padgett
Matthew "Matt" Padgett (born 27 March 1982 in Ilkeston) is an English professional darts player who competes for the Professional Darts Corporation tournaments.
- Pete Padgett
Peter L. "Pete" Padgett (born June 15, 1954) is an American high school basketball coach.
- Frank D. Padgett
Frank David Padgett (born March 9, 1923 in Vincennes, Indiana) is a retired judge and former World War II B-24 bomber pilot.
- Miles J. Padgett
Miles John Padgett, (born 1 June 1963) is Professor of Optics in the School of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Glasgow.
- Emily Padgett
Emily Padgett (born September 20, 1984) is an American actress, singer, and dancer.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Padgett Numerology: Name Padgett has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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