What does the name Paavo mean? What is the meaning of the name Paavo
Meaning of Paavo: Name Paavo in the Latin, Finnish origin, means Another word for small. Name Paavo is of Latin, Finnish origin and is a Boy name. People with name Paavo are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Paavo (Namesakes)
- Paavo Mustonen
Paavo Mustonen (born 13 January 1986) in the Cook Islands is a footballer who plays as a Defender.
- Paavo Paajanen
Paavo Paajanen (born 25 April 1988) is a Finnish former racing cyclist.
- Paavo Lötjönen
Paavo Lötjönen (born 29 July 1968) is a cello player for Finnish band Apocalyptica.
- Paavo Mikkonen
Paavo Mikkonen (born 25 January 1942) is a Finnish former sports shooter.
- Paavo Lipponen
Paavo Tapio Lipponen (pronunciation ) (born 23 April 1941) is a Finnish politician and former reporter.
- Paavo Järvi
Paavo Järvi (Estonian pronunciation: [ˈpɑːʋo ˈjærʋi]; born 30 December 1962) is an Estonian conductor.
- Paavo Väyrynen
Paavo Matti Väyrynen (born 2 September 1946) is a Finnish politician and a member of the Finnish Parliament, representing the Seven Star Movement and formerly the Citizen's Party and Centre Party.
- Paavo Arhinmäki
Paavo Erkki Arhinmäki (born 13 December 1976 in Helsinki) is a Finnish politician, a member of the Finnish Parliament and a former Minister for Culture and Sport, representing the Left Alliance, whose leader he was from 2009 to 2016.
- Paavo Rantanen
Paavo Rantanen (born 28 February 1934) is a Finnish former Foreign Ministry official, who was briefly the Minister for Foreign Affairs.
Rantanen was an undersecretary of foreign trade before becoming the Finnish ambassador to Washington.
- Paavo Voutilainen
Paavo Voutilainen (born 25 February 1999) is a Finnish professional footballer who plays for FC KTP, as a centre back.
- Paavo Pystynen
Paavo Pystynen (born 3 February 1932) is a Finnish former long-distance runner.
- Paavo Valakari
Paavo Valakari (born 28 December 1997) is a Finnish professional footballer who plays for Käpylän Pallo, as a goalkeeper.
- Paavo Roininen
Paavo Roininen (born 24 July 1935) is a Finnish boxer.
- Paavo Palokangas
Paavo Palokangas (born 11 October 1943) is a Finnish sports shooter.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Paavo Numerology: Name Paavo has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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