What does the name Osvaldo mean? What is the meaning of the name Osvaldo?
Meaning of Osvaldo: Name Osvaldo in the Spanish origin, means One who is a persevrving and god willed individual. Name Osvaldo is of Spanish origin and is a Boy name. People with name Osvaldo are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Osvaldo (Namesakes)
- Osvaldo Budet
Osvaldo Budet (Juan Osvaldo Budet-Meléndez) (born in San Juan, Puerto Rico in 1979) is a contemporary Puerto Rican artist.
- Osvaldo Laport
Rubens Osvaldo Jesús Udaquiola Laport (born August 12, 1956, in Juan Lacaze, Uruguay) is a Uruguayan-Argentine actor and UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador.
- Osvaldo Castro
Osvaldo Castro Pelayos (born 17 October 1948) is a retired Chilean footballer who played league football for clubs in Chile and Mexico, as well as playing international football for Chile.
- Osvaldo Martínez
- Osvaldo Ardiles
Osvaldo César Ardiles (born 3 August 1952), often referred to in Britain as Ossie Ardiles, is a football manager, pundit and former midfielder who won the 1978 FIFA World Cup as part of the Argentine national team.
- Osvaldo Golijov
Osvaldo Noé Golijov (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈɡolixof]; born December 5, 1960) is an Argentine composer of classical music and music professor, known for his vocal and orchestral work.
- Osvaldo Díaz
Osvaldo Díaz (born 22 December 1981) is a Paraguayan footballer.
- Osvaldo Nunez
Osvaldo Nunez (born 10 September 1938 in Curicó, Chile) was a member of the House of Commons of Canada from 1993 to 1997.
- Dani Osvaldo
Pablo Daniel Osvaldo (born 12 January 1986), commonly known as Dani Osvaldo (Italian pronunciation: [ˈdaːni oˈzvaldo]), is an Argentinian-born Italian footballer who plays as a forward for Primera División club Banfield.
Osvaldo represented the Italy national football team internationally.
- Osvaldo Escudero
Osvaldo Salvador Escudero (born October 15, 1960 in Paso de los Libres, Corrientes) is a former Argentine professional footballer.
- Osvaldo Ríos
Osvaldo Ríos Alonso (born October 25, 1960 in Carolina, Puerto Rico) is a Puerto Rican actor, model, singer, and guitarist, who is best known for his roles in telenovelas.
- Osvaldo Ozzán
Osvaldo Rafael Ozzán (born January 25, 1970 in Buenos Aires) is a former Argentine football winger and striker who played at professional level for San Lorenzo in Argentina, Huachipato and Cobresal in Chile, Oriente Petrolero, Blooming, Guabirá and Unión Central in Bolivia, Deportivo Cúcuta in Colombia and Deportivo Quito in Ecuador.
- Osvaldo Alonso
Osvaldo Alonso Moreno (born November 11, 1985) is a Cuban-born footballer who currently plays as a midfielder for Minnesota United FC in Major League Soccer (MLS).
- Osvaldo Pangrazio
Osvaldo Pangrazio Kullak (born 7 November 1957 in Asunción, Paraguay) is a former football striker that currently works as a traumatologist.
- Osvaldo Lourenço Filho
Osvaldo Lourenço Filho (born 11 April 1987), simply known as Osvaldo, is a Brazilian footballer as a forward.
- Osvaldo de León
Osvaldo de León (born May 6, 1984 in Brownsville, Texas, United States) is an American actor and model.
- Osvaldo Benavides
- Osvaldo Haay
Osvaldo Ardiles Haay (born 17 May 1997) is a Indonesian professional footballer who currently plays for Indonesian Liga 1 club Persija Jakarta and the Indonesia national team.
- Osvaldo Ramírez
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Osvaldo Numerology: Name Osvaldo has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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