What does the name Osmar mean? What is the meaning of the name Osmar?
Meaning of Osmar: Name Osmar in the English origin, means The one who is born with divine glory. Name Osmar is of English origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Osmar (Namesakes)
- Osmar Ferreyra
Osmar Daniel Malevo Ferreyra (born 9 January 1983) is an Argentine former professional footballer who played as a midfielder.
- Osmar Ferreira Júnior
- Osmar Aparecido de Azevedo
Osmar Aparecido de Azevedo or simply Osmar (born March 27, 1980 in Marília), is a Brazilian striker.
- Osmar Coelho Claudiano
Osmar Coelho Claudiano (born February 23, 1982 in Varginha), or simply Osmar, is a Brazilian right back.
- Osmar Sigueira
Osmar Sigueira Rodrigues (born 2 November 1988 in Diadema, São Paulo) is a Brazilian footballer who has played for a number of teams in Azerbaijan.
- Osmar Mares
Osmar Mares Martinez (born 17 June 1987) is a Mexican footballer who plays as a defender .
- Osmar Molinas
Osmar de la Cruz Molinas González (Spanish pronunciation: [ozˈmaɾ moˈlinas], born 3 May 1987) is a Paraguayan footballer central midfielder who currently plays for Deportivo Capiatá.
- Osmar Donizete Cândido
Osmar Donizete Cândido (born 24 October 1968) is a Brazilian retired footballer, who played as a forward, and the assistant manager at CFZ do Rio.
- Osmar Santos
Osmar Santos (born July 28, 1949) is a former painter and journalist from Brazil.
- Osmar R. Zaiane
Osmar R. Zaiane (born April 11, 1965, in Bad Kissingen, Germany) is a researcher, computer scientist, professor at the University of Alberta specializing in data mining and machine learning.
- Osmar (footballer)
Osmar Ibáñez Barba (Spanish pronunciation: [ozˈmaɾ iˈβaɲeθ ˈβaɾβa]; born 5 June 1988), known simply as Osmar, is a Spanish footballer who plays for South Korean club FC Seoul as a defensive midfielder or a central defender.
- Osmar Bravo
Osmar Bravo Amador (born 1 November 1984 in Nueva Guinea) is an amateur boxer from Nicaragua that qualified for the 2012 Olympics at light heavyweight (81 kg).
Osmar was a semi-finalist at light heavyweight at the 2012 American Boxing Olympic Qualification Tournament and this finish earned him his Olympic birth.
- Osmar Francisco
Osmar Francisco Moreira Jesuino, or simply Osmar (born 10 August 1987) is a Brazilian footballer who plays as a forward for Vietnamese club Hoàng Anh Gia Lai.
- Osmar Loss
Osmar Loss Vieira (born 3 July 1975) is a Brazilian professional football manager, currently in charge of.
- Osmar Terra
Osmar Gasparini Terra (born 18 February 1950) is a Brazilian politician and physician, affiliated to the Brazilian Democratic Movement (MDB), current Minister of Citizenship and former Minister of Social and Agrarian Development.
- Osmar Serraglio
Osmar José Serraglio (born 23 May 1948) is a Brazilian lawyer, businessman, and politician affiliated to the Brazilian Democratic Movement Party (PMDB).
- Osmar Leguizamón
- Jorge Osmar Guarnelli
Jorge Osmar Guarnelli (born 18 February 1952) is a Brazilian footballer.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Osmar Numerology: Name Osmar has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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