What does the name Olof mean? What is the meaning of the name Olof?
Meaning of Olof: Name Olof in the Swedish origin, means Remnant, left over, vestige, artefact.. Name Olof is of Swedish origin and is a Boy name. People with name Olof are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Olof (Namesakes)
- Olof K. Gustafsson
- Per-Olof Ericsson
Per-Olof Ericsson (born 4 April 1938) is a Swedish former swimmer.
- Olof Mellberg
Erik Olof Mellberg (pronounced [ˈûːlɔf ˈmɛ̂lːbærj]; born 3 September 1977) is a Swedish former professional footballer who serves as manager of Helsingborgs IF.
During his career, Mellberg played as a defender, and is best known for his time at Aston Villa, as well as spells with Juventus and Greek side Olympiacos.
- Olof Johansson
Sten Olof Håkan Johansson (born 31 July 1937) is a Swedish politician, who was the leader of the Swedish Centre Party from 1987 to 1998 and Minister for the Environment 1991-1994.
- Olof Dreijer
Olof Björn Dreijer (born 27 November 1981) is a Swedish DJ and record producer, best known as a member of the electronica duo The Knife, formed with his sibling Karin Dreijer.
Although The Knife very rarely performed live concerts, Olof performs as DJ Coolof in nightclubs across Europe.
- Olof Guterstam
Olof Viktor Detlof Guterstam (born January 4, 1983) is a Swedish former footballer who spent most of his career at IF Brommapojkarna.
- Olof Persson
Olof Persson (born May 5, 1978 in Malmö) is a Swedish football manager and the current assistant coach of Malmö FF in Allsvenskan.
- Olof Mörck
Olof Mörck (born 12 December 1981 in Gothenburg, Sweden) is the guitarist and one of the songwriters of the metal band Amaranthe, as well as guitarist of the power metal band Dragonland.
- Olof Persson (businessman)
Olof Erland Persson (born June 22, 1964) was the president of AB Volvo and CEO of the Volvo Group until April 22, 2015, having been in the role since September 1, 2011.
- Olof Mård
Nils Olof Mård (born 31 January 1989) is a Swedish footballer who plays for Sandvikens IF as a defender.
- Dan-Olof Stenlund
Dan-Olof Bertil Stenlund (born 25 October 1937 in Skellefteå) is a Swedish university professor and choir conductor.
- Olof Lundh
Olof Lundh (born 16 October 1966) is a Swedish sports journalist focusing on reporting on football for TV4.
- Olofmeister
Olof Kajbjer Gustafsson, (born January 31, 1992) better known by his in-game name olofmeister or olofm, is a Swedish professional Counter-Strike: Global Offensive player who is currently playing for FaZe Clan.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Olof Numerology: Name Olof has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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