What does the name Ole mean? What is the meaning of the name Ole
Meaning of Ole: Name Ole in the Danish, Norse, Norwegian origin, means A framework that supports climbing plants (Bower). Name Ole is of Danish, Norse, Norwegian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Ole are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Ole (Namesakes)
- Ole Scheeren
- Ole Romeny
Ole ter Haar Romeny (born 20 June 2000) is a Dutch professional footballer who plays as a Striker for NEC in the Dutch Keuken Kampioen Divisie.
- Ole Gunnar Solskjær
Ole Gunnar Solskjær KSO (Norwegian pronunciation: [ˈûːlə ˈɡʉ̂nːɑr ˈsûːlʂæːr] (listen); born 26 February 1973) is a Norwegian professional football manager and former player.
- Ole Anderson
Alan Robert Rogowski (born September 22, 1942), better known by his ring name of Ole Anderson, is an American retired professional wrestler, referee and promoter.
- Ole Bornedal
Ole Bornedal (born 26 May 1959) is a Danish film director, actor and producer.
Bornedal was born in Nørresundby, Denmark.
- Sven-Ole Thorsen
Sven-Ole Thorsen (born 24 September 1944) is a Danish actor, stuntman, bodybuilder and strongman competitor.
- Ole Paus
Ole Paus (born 9 February 1947; full name Ole Christian Paus) is a Norwegian troubadour in the Swedish-Norwegian ballad tradition, an author, a poet, and an actor.
- Ole Budtz
Ole Budtz (born April 20, 1979, in Hillerød) is a Danish former professional football defender.
- Ole Öhman
Ole Christian Öhman (born 13 October 1973) is a drummer who played in Dissection until its second album, Storm of the Light's Bane, was released in 1995.
- Ole Henriksen
Ole Henriksen (born May 4, 1951 in Nibe, Denmark) is a Danish skin cosmetician and manufacturer of skin care products.
- Ole Neumann
Ole Neumann (born 16 October 1947) is a former Danish child actor of the 1950s and 1960s.
- Ole Selnæs
Ole Kristian Selnæs (born 7 July 1994) is a Norwegian footballer who plays for Chinese Super League club Shenzhen as a defensive midfielder.
- Nils Ole Oftebro
Nils Ole Oftebro (born (1944-12-01)1 December 1944) is a Norwegian actor and illustrator.
- James Ole Kiyiapi
James Ole Kiyiapi is a Kenyan academician and politician.
- Joseph Ole Lenku
Joseph Jama Ole Lenku (born 20 October 1970) is a Kenyan politician who is serving as the second Governor of Kajiado County after emerging triumphant in the Kenyan General Elections held on 8th of August 2017.
- Ole Børud
Ole Børud (born December 6, 1976) is a Norwegian singer, songwriter, instrumentalist, producer, and engineer known both for his solo recordings and as a member of the band Extol.
- Ole Schemion
Ole Schemion (born 12 September 1992) is a German professional poker player from Berlin, Germany.
- Ole Rahmel
Ole Rahmel (born 19 November 1989) is a German handball player for THW Kiel and the German national team.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Ole Numerology: Name Ole has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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