Top Old German Baby Boy Names Starting With C
Searching for the ideal Old German baby Boy name starting with C? Explore our curated list of top Old German baby Boy names that starts with C and find the perfect one for your little one. Use The ParentZ Baby Name Finder to discover Old German Boy names starting with C, along with their meanings, for your newborn or expected baby.
Old German Baby Names For Boys Starting With C
Name | Gender | Meaning |
Unisex | A charming free man | |
Boy | A man who loves freedom and adventure | |
Boy | Free Man; Strong | |
Boy | Name of town owned by King Charles | |
Boy | Name of a place in America | |
Unisex | Freeman; person who has a free mind | |
Unisex | A born Prince who gives orders and is prosperous | |
Boy | The perfect and the chosen one who earns | |
Boy | A free individual | |
Boy | Derived from German root it means a free man | |
Boy | Variant of Charles; free man | |