What does the name Okello mean? What is the meaning of the name Okello
Meaning of Okello: Name Okello in the African, Kenyan origin, means One who was born after twins.. Name Okello is of African, Kenyan origin and is a Boy name. People with name Okello are usually Christianity by religion.
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Origin | Meaning | Gender |
African | OKELLO is a boy (last or family) name generally among the Luo that are mainly spread across the Northern and Eastern regions of Uganda and also in Kenya, mainly Eastern. It is a boy name meaning "One who follows twins". However, over the years, many people from the above regions are named OKELLO, notwithstanding their family birth position. The Luo have a tradition of naming their children after a person they admire or love or who is generally dear to them for any reason. So many people called OKELLO in these regions do not necessarily follow twins. | Boy |
added by Humphrey OKELLO on Nov 09, 2023 from Burundi |
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Famous people with name Okello (Namesakes)
- Okello Oculi
Okello Oculi (born 1 January 1942) is a Ugandan novelist, poet, and chronicler of rural African village life.
- Henry Oryem Okello
Henry Oryem Okello is a Ugandan lawyer and politician.
- Okello Sam
Okello Sam (born December 8, 1969) is a Ugandan musician, actor, and comedian.
- David Okello
David Abong'o Okello (born 19 September 1986) is a Kenyan international footballer who plays for Tusker, as a Goalkeeper.
- Jean Baptiste Okello
Jean Baptiste Okello (born 10 April 1940) is a former athlete, who was born in Lira, Northern Uganda.
- Noble Okello
Noble Okello Ayo (born 20 July 2000) is a Canadian professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for Toronto FC in Major League Soccer.
- Jimmy Okello
Jimmy Okello (23 December 1987) is a former Ugandan cricketer.
- Allan Okello
Allan Okello (born 4 July 2000) is a Ugandan footballer who plays for Paradou AC in the Algerian Ligue Professionnelle 1 and the Uganda national team as an attacking midfielder.He was the Fufa AIRTEL Footballer of the Year 2019.
- Sylvanus Okello
Sylvanus Okello (born 14 April 1963) is a Kenyan boxer.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Okello Numerology: Name Okello has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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