What does the name Octavian mean? What is the meaning of the name Octavian
Meaning of Octavian: Name Octavian in the Latin origin, means a person who is always on the right path or the one who is well-guided.. Name Octavian is of Latin origin and is a Boy name. People with name Octavian are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Octavian (Namesakes)
- Octavian Vâlceanu
- Octavian Chihaia
Octavian Chihaia (born 18 March 1981 in Bucharest) is a former Romanian football striker.
- Octavian Abrudan
- Octavian Guțu
Octavian Guţu (born June 17, 1982 in Kishinev, Moldova,) is an Olympic swimmer from Moldova who swam for his native country at the 2004 Olympics.
- Octavian Țîcu
Octavian Ţîcu (born 21 August 1972) is a Moldovan politician, historian and former professional boxer serving as member of Parliament of Moldova since 2019.
- Octavian Vintilă
Octavian Vintilă (born 22 June 1938) is a Romanian fencer.
- Octavian Ormenișan
Octavian Dorin Ormenişan (born 31 August 1992, Târgu Mureș) is a Romanian professional footballer who played as a goalkeeper.
- Octavian Drăghici
Octavian Valentin Drăghici (born 26 November 1985) is a Romanian football player who plays for ACS Dumbrăvița.
- Octavian Onofrei
Octavian Onofrei (born 16 May 1991), is a Moldovan football forward who plays for Spartanii Selemet.
- Octavian Ursu (footballer)
- Octavian Morariu
Octavian Morariu (born August 7, 1961) is a Romanian former rugby union player and coach, and is currently the President of Rugby Europe.
- Octavian Armașu
Octavian Armașu (born 29 June 1969 in Chișinău, USSR) is a Moldovan politician who currently serves as Minister of Finances of Moldova since January 2016, succeeding Anatol Arapu at this post.
- Octavian Calota
Octavian Calota-Popa (born November 22, 1984) is a Romanian basketball player for BC Timișoara and the Romanian national team.
He participated at the EuroBasket 2017.
- Octavian Bizău
Octavian Bizău (born 21 November 1997) is a Romanian handballer who plays for Steaua București.
- Octavian Pavelescu
Octavian Pavelescu (born 8 September 1942) is a Romanian rower.
- Octavian (rapper)
Octavian Oliver Godji (born 22 January 1996), known mononymously as Octavian, is a French-British rapper, singer, and songwriter from London.
- Octavian Dușa
Octavian Dușa (born 24 December 1954) is a Romanian wrestler.
- Octavian Cuciuc
Octavian Cuciuc (born 13 September 1977) is a Moldovan wrestler.
Do you know any famous people named Octavian, let us know and we would update the information.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Octavian Numerology: Name Octavian has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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