What does the name Obed mean? What is the meaning of the name Obed
Meaning of Obed: Name Obed in the Biblical origin, means The people from the flint places. One of American Tribes.. Name Obed is of Biblical origin and is a Girl name. People with name Obed are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Obed (Namesakes)
- Obed Ahsah
Obed Ansah (born November 2, 1986) is a Ghanaian football player.
- Rhema Obed
Rhema Chukwardiamara Obed (born 11 September 1991) is an English footballer who last played as a defensive midfielder for Krško in the Slovenian PrvaLiga.
- Obed Enamorado
Obed Israel Enamorado Palacios (born 15 September 1985 in Tela, Atlantida, Honduras) is a Honduran footballer who currently plays as a goalkeeper for Liga Nacional de Honduras club Vida.
- Obed Cétoute
Obed Cétoute (born January 7, 1983) is a former Canadian football wide receiver.
- Obed Owusu
Obed Owusu Yeboah (born 26 July 1990) is a Ghanaian international footballer who plays as a striker for All Blacks.
- Obed Rincón
Obed Isai Rincon Lopez (born 4 February 1985 in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico, is a former professional footballer, who last played as a left back for C.F. La Piedad in the Ascenso MX. He started his professional career with club Necaxa in 2008.
- Obed Ariri
Obed Chukwuma Ariri (born April 4, 1956) is a Nigerian-born former placekicker of American football in the National Football League for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Washington Redskins.
- Obed Sullivan
Obed Benjamin Sullivan, born January 17, 1968 in Gulfport, MS, was a heavyweight boxer.
- Obed Mlaba
Obed Thembinkosi Mlaba (born 9 September 1943) is the former High Commissioner of South Africa to the United Kingdom and served as mayor of Durban, one of the biggest and commercially active cities of South Africa.
- Simpson Obed
Simpson Obed (born 17 September 1989) is a Vanuatuan cricketer.
- Obed Estrada
Obed Ulises Estrada Mora (born July 31, 1994 in Guadalajara, Jalisco) is a Mexican professional footballer who plays for Gavilanes de Matamoros.
- Obed Malolo
Obed Malolo (born 18 April 1997) is a Finnish football player who plays as a midfielder for RoPS. He is of Congolese descent.
- Obed Ngaite
Obed Ngaite (born 9 July 1967) is a former cyclist from the Central African Republic.
- Obed Martínez
Obed Saúl Martínez Villarreal (born March 30, 1996 in Monterrey, Nuevo León) is a professional Mexican footballer who currently plays for Correcaminos UAT as a midfielder.
- Obed McCoy
Obed McCoy (born 4 January 1997) is a West Indian cricketer.
- Tallis Obed Moses
Tallis Obed Moses (born 24 October 1954) is a Vanuatuan pastor who has been President of Vanuatu since 6 July 2017.
- Radutu
- Raghvendra
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Obed Numerology: Name Obed has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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