What does the name Nour mean? What is the meaning of the name Nour?
Meaning of Nour: Name Nour in the Arabic origin, means The person who has superfluous in whole things.. Name Nour is of Arabic origin and is a Girl name.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Nour: The person who has superfluous in whole things.
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Famous people with name Nour (Namesakes)
- Ayman Nour
Ayman Abd El Aziz Nour (Egyptian Arabic: أيمن عبد العزيز نور, IPA: [ˈʔæjmæn ʕæbdelʕæˈziːz ˈnuːɾ]; born 5 December 1964) is an Egyptian politician, a former member of the Egyptian Parliament, founder and chairman of the El Ghad party.
- Cyrine Abdelnour
Cyrine Abdelnour (Arabic: سيرين عبد النور; also spelled Cyrine Abd Al-Nour or Cyrine Abdel-Nour; born 21 February 1977) is a Lebanese singer, actress, and model.
- Nour (actress)
Marian Phillip Abi Habib (Arabic: ماريان فيليب أبي حبيب; born 23 December 1977), known as Nour (Arabic: نور), is a Lebanese actress who performs in Egypt.
- Nour El Sherbini
Nour El Sherbini (Arabic: نور الشربيني; born 1 November 1995) is an Egyptian professional squash player.
- Nour El Tayeb
Nour El Tayeb (Arabic: نور الطيب; born March 8, 1993 in Cairo) is a professional squash player who represents Egypt.
- Mariam Nour
Mariam Nour (Arabic: مريم نور) (born May 24, 1936) is a Lebanese television personality who discusses food and lifestyle issues in Arab media.
- Nour Mansour
Nour Mansour (Arabic: نور منصور, Lebanese Arabic pronunciation: [nuːr mɑnsˤuːr]; born 22 October 1989) is a Lebanese professional footballer who plays as a centre-back for Lebanese Premier League club Ahed and the Lebanon national team.
- Nour El-Semary
Nour El-Semary (Arabic: نور السمري; born on 28 September 1980 in Cairo) is an Egyptian actress and former beauty pageant titleholder.
El-Semary she was the official Pantene Miss Egypt 2003 winner.
- Nour Abbès
Nour Abbès (Arabic: نور عباس; born 20 June 1993 in Tunis) is a Tunisian tennis player.
- Nour Hage
Nour Hage is a Lebanese fashion designer.
- Nour El-Afandi
Nour El-Afandi (Arabic: نور احمد محمد الأفندي) (born 10 January 1993) is an Egyptian synchronized swimmer.
- Nour Zaki
Nour Zaki (Arabic نور زكي ; born 17 August 1988) is an Egyptian film director.
- Nour Elayoubi
Nour Elayoubi (born 16 January 1997) is an Egyptian synchronised swimmer.
- Nour El-Houda Ettaieb
Nour El-Houda Ettaieb (born October 15, 1996) is a Tunisian rower.
- Nour Bani Attiah
Nour Ziad Bani Attiah (Arabic: نور زياد بني عطية; born 25 January 1993) is a Jordanian footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for Al-Jazeera.
- Nour El Din Hassanein
Nour El Din Hassanein (born 10 August 1988) is an Egyptian rower.
- Hassan Nour-el-Din Aman
Hassan Nour-el-Din Aman (born 19 November 1930) is an Egyptian boxer.
- Nour Abdelsalam
Nour Abdelsalam (born 29 March 1993) is an Egyptian taekwondo practitioner.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Nour Numerology: Name Nour has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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