What does the name Normand mean? What is the meaning of the name Normand
Meaning of Normand: Name Normand in the Germanic origin, means The one who came from northern cliff.. Name Normand is of Germanic origin and is a Boy name. People with name Normand are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Normand (Namesakes)
- Normand Léveillé
Normand "Norm" Léveillé (born January 10, 1963) is a Canadian former professional hockey left winger.
- Normand Rochefort
Normand Rochefort (born January 28, 1961) is a Canadian retired ice hockey defenceman.
- Normand Baron
Joseph Jean Louis Normand Baron (born December 15, 1957) is a retired professional ice hockey player who spent time with the Montreal Canadiens and St.
- Normand Lacombe
Normand Lacombe (born October 18, 1964) is a Canadian retired professional ice hockey right wing.
- Normand Lester
Normand Lester (born July 10, 1945) is an investigative journalist from Quebec.
- Normand Duguay
Normand Duguay (born October 17, 1941) is a former Canadian politician, who represented the riding of Duplessis in the National Assembly of Quebec from 1997 to 2003.
- Normand D'Amour
Normand D'Amour (born September 22, 1962) is a Canadian actor.
- Normand Cherry
Normand Cherry (born June 2, 1938) is a Canadian former politician and union leader in the province of Quebec.
- Normand Jutras
Normand Jutras (born 23 November 1948) is a Canadian lawyer and politician from Quebec.
- Franck Le Normand
Franck Le Normand (born 22 November 1931) is a French cyclist.
- Luc-Normand Tellier
Luc-Normand Tellier (born October 10, 1944) is a Professor Emeritus in spatial economics of the University of Quebec at Montreal.
- Normand Cournoyer
Normand Cournoyer (born March 17, 1951) is a Canadian former professional ice hockey player.
- Normand Poulin
Normand Poulin (born September 18, 1954) was a Canadian politician, and a two-term Member of the National Assembly of Quebec.
- Robin Le Normand
Robin Le Normand (born 11 November 1996) is a French professional footballer who plays as a central defender for Spanish club Real Sociedad.
- Normand Krumpschmid
Normand Krumpschmid (born 13 December 1969) is an Austrian ice hockey player.
- Christophe Normand
Christophe Normand (born October 17, 1991) is a professional Canadian football fullback for the Montreal Alouettes of the Canadian Football League.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Normand Numerology: Name Normand has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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