What does the name Norbert mean? What is the meaning of the name Norbert
Meaning of Norbert: Name Norbert in the Germanic, German origin, means The northern part and cheerfulness.. Name Norbert is of Germanic, German origin and is a Boy name. People with name Norbert are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Norbert (Namesakes)
- Norbert Leo Butz
Norbert Leo Butz (born January 30, 1967) is an American actor and singer, best known for his work in Broadway theatre.
- Norbert Haug
Norbert Haug (born 24 November 1952 in Engelsbrand, Baden-Württemberg) is a German journalist, and the former Vice President of Mercedes-Benz motorsport activity, including Formula One, Formula 3 and DTM. Under his direction Mercedes-Benz enjoyed considerable success in all categories, winning multiple races and championships.
- Norbert Nigbur
Norbert Nigbur (born 8 May 1948 in Gelsenkirchen, Germany) is a former German international football player.
- Norbert Weisser
Norbert Weisser (born July 9, 1946) is a German actor, playwright, theatre director, and producer.
Based in Venice, California, he is a founding member of Odyssey Theater Ensemble, the ProVisional Theater, and the Padua Playwrights Festival.
- Guillaume Norbert
Guillaume Norbert (born 14 October 1980) is a French retired footballer.
- Norbert Schlegel
Norbert Schlegel (born March 9, 1961 in Sassanfahrt) is a German former footballer who became a coach.
- Norbert Dickel
Norbert Dickel (born 27 November 1961 in Bad Berleburg) is a retired German football player.
- Norbert Ringels
Norbert Ringels (Mönchengladbach, 16 September 1956) is a retired German football player.
- Norbert Eilenfeldt
Norbert Eilenfeldt (born 17 February 1956 in Gelsenkirchen) is a retired German football player.
- Norbert Hof
Norbert Hof (born 2 February 1944) is an Austrian retired footballer who played as a defender.
He is the brother of retired footballer Erich Hof.
- Norbert König
Norbert König (born 4 September 1958) is a German sports presenter.
- Norbert Düwel
Norbert Düwel (born 5 January 1968) is a German football manager who last managed 1.
- Norbert Alblas
- Norbert Sárközi
Norbert Sárközi (born 5 March 1993 in Budapest) is a Hungarian football player.
- Norbert Misiak
Norbert Misiak (born 25 June 1994) is a Polish footballer who plays as a right midfielder for Raków Częstochowa.
- Norbert Pintér
Norbert Pintér (born 3 November 1992 in Senta) is a Hungarian football player who plays for FK Miercurea Ciuc.
- Norbert Banaszek
Norbert Banaszek (born 18 June 1997) is a Polish cyclist, who currently rides for UCI Continental team Mazowsze–Serce Polski.
- Norbert Dąbrowski
Norbert Dąbrowski (born 26 August 1988) is a Polish professional boxer.
- Norbert Kundrák
Norbert Kundrák (born 18 May 1999) is a Hungarian football player who currently plays for Ferencváros TC.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 2
Baby Name Norbert Numerology: Name Norbert has a number value of 2 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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