What does the name Nixon mean? What is the meaning of the name Nixon?
Meaning of Nixon: Name Nixon in the Greek, English origin, means The son of Greek Goddess of victory. Name Nixon is of Greek, English origin and is a Boy name. People with name Nixon are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Nixon (Namesakes)
- Ashaz
- Cynthia Nixon
Cynthia Ellen Nixon (born April 9, 1966) is an American actress and activist.
- Mojo Nixon
Mojo Nixon (born Neill Kirby McMillan, Jr.; August 2, 1957) is an American psychobilly musician.
- Julie Nixon Eisenhower
Julie Nixon Eisenhower (born July 5, 1948) is an American author who is the younger daughter of Richard Nixon, 37th President of the United States, and Pat Nixon, First Lady of the United States, and is the wife of David Eisenhower, grandson of President Eisenhower.
- Trot Nixon
Christopher Trotman "Trot" Nixon (born April 11, 1974) is an American former professional baseball right fielder.
- Sam Nixon
Sam Nixon (born 21 March 1986) is an English singer and television presenter.
- Tricia Nixon Cox
Patricia Nixon Cox (born February 21, 1946) is the elder daughter of the 37th President Richard Nixon and First Lady Pat Nixon, and sister to Julie Nixon Eisenhower.
- Livinia Nixon
Livinia Helen Nixon (March 19, 1975) is an Australian television presenter and actress.
- Otis Nixon
Otis Junior Nixon (born January 9, 1959) is an American former professional baseball center fielder.
- Walter Nixon
Walter Louis Nixon Jr. (born December 16, 1928) is a former United States District Judge of the United States District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi who in 1989 was impeached by the House of Representatives and removed from office by the Senate.
- Drew Nixon
Drew Eldred Nixon (born November 21, 1959) is a former Republican Texas state senator from Carthage, the seat of Panola County in east Texas, who served from 1995 to 2001.
- Nicholas Nixon
Nicholas Nixon (born October 27, 1947) is a photographer, known for his work in portraiture and documentary photography, and for using the 8×10 inch view camera.
- Norm Nixon
Norman Ellard Nixon (born October 11, 1955) is an American retired professional basketball player who spent twelve seasons with the Los Angeles Lakers and the San Diego/Los Angeles Clippers in the National Basketball Association (NBA).
- Gordon Nixon
Gordon M. "Gord" Nixon, (born January 25, 1957) was the President, CEO and Director of Royal Bank of Canada, from 2001 to 2014.
- Jay Nixon
Jeremiah Wilson "Jay" Nixon (born February 13, 1956) is an American politician and lawyer who served as the 55th Governor of Missouri from 2009 to 2017 as a member of the Democratic Party.
- Ricky Nixon
Ricky Lee Nixon (born 3 April 1963) is a former Australian rules footballer in the VFL/AFL and a former sports agent.
- Vivian Nixon
Vivian Nichole Nixon (born May 30, 1984) is a dancer and an actress.
- DeVaughn Nixon
DeVaughn Walter Nixon (born July 8, 1983) (sometimes credited as De'Vaughn Nixon) is an American actor.
- Jason Nixon
Jason John Nixon (born May 26, 1980) is a Canadian politician and current Member of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta representing the electoral district of Rimbey-Rocky Mountain House-Sundre.
He was first elected as a member of the Wildrose Party in 2015, and then he served on the negotiation team that created a framework for unity between the Wildrose Party and the Progressive Conservative Party of Alberta.
- Ashbey
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Nixon Numerology: Name Nixon has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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