What does the name Niven mean? What is the meaning of the name Niven
Meaning of Niven: Name Niven in the Scottish origin, means A small holy person, Little saint. Name Niven is of Scottish origin and is a Boy name. People with name Niven are usually Judaism by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Niven: A small holy person, Little saint
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Famous people with name Niven (Namesakes)
- Larry Niven
Laurence van Cott Niven (; born April 30, 1938) is an American science fiction writer.
- Derek Niven
Derek Dunbar Niven (born 12 December 1983) is a Scottish professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for Bakewell Town.
- David Niven Jr.
David Niven Jr. (born 15 December 1942), is a British film producer and film actor, with stints as an executive at Paramount Pictures and Columbia Pictures.
- Julie McNiven
Julie McNiven (born October 11, 1980) is an American actress and singer.
- Lewis Niven
Lewis Alexander Paul Niven (born 3 May 1988) was a Scottish rugby union player who played for Edinburgh Rugby in the Pro12.
- Barbara Niven
Barbara Niven (born February 26, 1953) is an American actress and producer, best known for her performances in Lifetime movies and Hallmark movies, and television roles in Pensacola: Wings of Gold, One Life to Live, Cedar Cove, and Chesapeake Shores.
- Robert Niven (English cricketer)
Robert Andrew Niven (born 28 April 1948) is an English former cricketer.
- Piper Niven
Kimberly Benson is a Scottish professional wrestler currently signed to WWE, performing on their NXT UK brand.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Niven Numerology: Name Niven has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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