What does the name Nilsson mean? What is the meaning of the name Nilsson
Meaning of Nilsson: Name Nilsson in the Scandinavian origin, means Son of Nell or son of Neil.. Name Nilsson is of Scandinavian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Nilsson are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Nilsson (Namesakes)
- Lisa Nilsson
Lisa Nilsson (born August 13, 1970 in Tyresö) is a Swedish singer.
- Torbjörn Nilsson
Torbjörn Anders Nilsson (born 9 July 1954 in Västerås) is a Swedish former football striker.
- Inger Nilsson
Karin Inger Monica Nilsson (born 4 May 1959) is a Swedish actress and singer.
- Dave Nilsson
David Wayne Nilsson (born 14 December 1969) is an Australian retired professional baseball catcher and current manager of the Australia national baseball team and the Brisbane Bandits.
- Roland Nilsson
Roland Nilsson (born 27 November 1963) is a Swedish football manager.
- Kent Nilsson
Kent Åke "Kenta" Nilsson (born 31 August 1956) is a Swedish retired professional ice hockey centre.
- Robert Nilsson
Robert Åke Nilsson (born January 10, 1985) is a Canadian-born Swedish professional ice hockey forward who is currently playing with the ZSC Lions of the National League (NL).
- Jonny Nilsson
Erling Martin Jonny Nilsson (born 9 February 1943) is a retired competitive speed skater from Sweden.
- Jan Nilsson
Jan "Flash" Nilsson (born 15 December 1960) is a Swedish former active race car driver.
- Ida Nilsson
Ida Nilsson (born February 8, 1981) is a Swedish long-distance runner who also competes in ski mountaineering.
- Lasse Nilsson
Lars Thomas "Lasse" Nilsson (born 3 January 1982) is a Swedish footballer who plays for Norrby IF.
- Kjell Nilsson (actor)
Kjell Nilsson (born 19 December 1949) is a Swedish olympic-class weight lifter and actor.
- Christian Nilsson
Christian Lars Nilsson (born 25 May 1979) is a Swedish former professional golfer.
- Peter Nilsson
Peter Nilsson (born June 10, 1962) is a Swedish ice hockey player.
- Lina Nilsson
Lina Therese Nilsson (born 17 June 1987) is a Swedish retired footballer who played for FC Rosengård and the Sweden national team.
- Cecilia Nilsson (actress)
Birgitta Maria Cecilia Nilsson (born 15 July 1957) is a Swedish actress.
- Magnus Nilsson (chef)
Magnus Nilsson (born 28 November 1983) is a Swedish chef who was head chef at the restaurant Fäviken in Sweden until it closed in December of 2019.
- Lukas Nilsson
Lukas Eric Oliver Nilsson (born 16 November 1996) is a Swedish handball player for THW Kiel and the Swedish national team.
He competed at the 2016 European Men's Handball Championship.
- Molly Nilsson
Molly Nilsson (born December 14, 1984) is a Swedish singer-songwriter and musician.
Do you know any famous people named Nilsson, let us know and we would update the information.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Nilsson Numerology: Name Nilsson has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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