Top Nigerian Baby Girl Names Starting With I
Searching for the ideal Nigerian baby Girl name starting with I? Explore our curated list of top Nigerian baby Girl names that starts with I and find the perfect one for your little one. Use The ParentZ Baby Name Finder to discover Nigerian Girl names starting with I, along with their meanings, for your newborn or expected baby.
Nigerian Baby Names For Girls Starting With I
Name | Gender | Meaning |
Girl | The family will love this child. | |
Girl | Happiness is free. | |
Girl | What God has done. | |
Girl | The light of God. | |
Girl | Something good | |
Unisex | The light of Christ. | |
Girl | God's love is plenty. | |
Girl | Nothing can be compared to a child. | |
Girl | Love | |
Unisex | The tree of God is rooted and strong. | |
Girl | One who is favored. | |
Girl | God's favor. | |
Girl | A smooth journey. | |
Girl | A good journey. | |
Girl | A good journey in life. | |
Unisex | Thank God, one who is thankful to God for everything. | |
Girl | A healthy child. | |
Girl | Title of a unity song in Nigeria. | |
Girl | Blessing has come to me, a girl who has brought blessings to her family. | |
Girl | One who is fortunate and blessed. | |
Girl | One who is contented with her destiny. | |
Girl | Ability or skill. A skillful woman. |