What does the name Nicolau mean? What is the meaning of the name Nicolau
Meaning of Nicolau: Name Nicolau in the Portuguese, Brazilian origin, means Brazilian variant of Nicholas, meaning victory of people.. Name Nicolau is of Portuguese, Brazilian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Nicolau are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Nicolau: Brazilian variant of Nicholas, meaning victory of people.
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Famous people with name Nicolau (Namesakes)
- Nicky Nicolau
Nicky George Nicolau (born 12 October 1983) is an English footballer of Greek Cypriot origin who plays as a midfielder.
- Jackson Nicolau
Jackson Nicolau (born 19 July 1987) was an Australian Rugby league footballer who played for the Gold Coast Titans and North Queensland Cowboys in the NRL.
He was born in the North Queensland town of Innisfail.
- Melisa Nicolau
Melisa Nicolau Martín (born 20 June 1984), commonly known as Melisa or Mely, is a Spanish former footballer, who played as a defender for Primera División clubs Rayo Vallecano and FC Barcelona, as well as the Spain women's national football team.
- Nicolau Colaco
Nicolau Colaco (born 16 May 1984) is an Indian footballer who plays as a defender for FC Goa in the Indian Super League, on loan from I-League club Salgaocar.
- Nicolau Borges
Nicolau Borges (born 20 January 1979) is a former Indian professional footballer who plays as a left back.
- Ivo Nicolau
Ivo Passeira Nicolau (born 21 March 1983), simply known as Ivo Nicolau is a Portuguese professional footballer playing for Esperança Lagos as a defender.
- Raul Nicolau Gonçalves
Archbishop Raul Nicolau Gonçalves is an Indian prelate, the first Catholic Goan to be Archbishop of Goa and Patriarch of the East Indies.
He is currently the Archbishop emeritus of Goa.
- Matheus Nicolau
Matheus Nicolau Pereira, better known as Matheus Nicolau, (born January 6, 1993) is a Brazilian mixed martial artist who is currently signed to Future FC and Brave CF. He has also competed in the Ultimate Fighting Championship.
- Mihai Nicolau
Mihai Nicolau (born 29 January 1949) is a Romanian bobsledder.
- Joel Nicolau
Joel Nicolau Beltrán (born 23 December 1997 in Llofriu) is a Spanish cyclist, who currently rides for UCI ProTeam Caja Rural–Seguros RGA.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Nicolau Numerology: Name Nicolau has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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