What does the name Nicklas mean? What is the meaning of the name Nicklas
Meaning of Nicklas: Name Nicklas in the English origin, means The winning person of the people.. Name Nicklas is of English origin and is a Boy name. People with name Nicklas are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Nicklas (Namesakes)
- Nicklas Lidström
Nicklas Lidström (pronounced [ˈnɪ̌kːlas ˈlîːdstrœm]; born 28 April 1970) is a Swedish former professional ice hockey defenceman who played 20 seasons in the National Hockey League (NHL) for the Detroit Red Wings, which he captained for the final six seasons of his career.
- Nicklas Bendtner
Nicklas Bendtner (Danish pronunciation: [ˈne̝klæs ˈpenˀtnɐ]; born 16 January 1988) is a Danish professional footballer who plays as a forward.
- Nicklas Bäckström
Nicklas Bäckström (Swedish: [ˈnɪ̌kːlas ˈbɛ̂kːstrœm]; born 23 November 1987) is a Swedish professional ice hockey centre and alternate captain for the Washington Capitals of the National Hockey League (NHL).
- Nicklas Grossmann
Nicklas Grossmann (born January 22, 1985) is a Swedish former professional ice hockey defenceman.
- Nicklas Bergh
Hans Nicklas Bergh is a Swedish footballer who plays for Eskilstuna City as a goalkeeper.
- Nicklas Bärkroth
Nicklas Robert Bärkroth (born 19 January 1992 in Gothenburg) is a Swedish footballer who plays as a winger for Djurgårdens IF in Allsvenskan.
- Nicklas Pedersen
Nicklas Pedersen (born 10 October 1987) is a Danish former professional footballer who played as a forward.
- Nicklas Svendsen
Nicklas Svendsen (born December 11, 1986 in Copenhagen) is a Danish footballer who currently plays as a defender for AB Tårnby.
- Nicklas Utgren
Nicklas Utgren (born 12 January 1969), is a former professional tennis player from Sweden.
- Nicklas Helenius
Nicklas Helenius Jensen (born 8 May 1991) is a Danish footballer who plays as a striker for the Danish club AGF.
- Nicklas Jensen
Nicklas Jensen (born 6 March 1993) is a Danish ice hockey winger.
- Nicklas Maripuu
Nicklas Maripuu (born 2 March 1992) is a Swedish footballer who plays for Akropolis IF as a midfielder.
- Nicklas Højlund
Nicklas Højlund (born 6 March 1990) is a Danish footballer who last played for Lyngby BK.
- Nicklas Johansson
Nicklas Johansson (born June 12, 1984) is a Swedish professional ice hockey player.
- Nicklas Pedersen (Mister World)
Nicklas Pedersen (born May 5, 1990) is a Danish carpenter, model and male pageant winner who was crowned Mister World 2014 at the Riviera International Conference Centre, Torbay, England.
- Nicklas Mouritsen
Nicklas Mouritz Mouritsen (born 15 March 1995) is a Danish footballer who plays for Danish 1st Division club FC Roskilde.
- Nicklas Halse
Nicklas Halse (born 3 May 1997) is a Danish professional footballer, currently playing for the Danish club FC Roskilde.
- Nicklas Mathiasen
Nicklas Mathiasen (born 8 November 1991) is a Danish male badminton player.
- Nicklas Shipnoski
- Nicklas Røjkjær
Nicklas Røjkjær (born 24 July 1998) is a Danish footballer who plays for Esbjerg fB.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Nicklas Numerology: Name Nicklas has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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