What does the name Nichola mean? What is the meaning of the name Nichola
Meaning of Nichola: Name Nichola in the English, Eastern European origin, means The people's hero.. Name Nichola is of English, Eastern European origin and is a Girl name. People with name Nichola are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Nichola (Namesakes)
- Nicholas Art
Nicholas Art (born January 13, 1999) is an American child actor.
- Nicholas Pryor
Nicholas Pryor (born Nicholas David Probst; January 28, 1935) is an American actor.
- Nicholas Kazan
Nicholas Kazan (born September 15, 1945) is an American screenwriter, film producer and director.
- Nicholas Frankau
Nicholas Frankau (born 16 July 1954 in Stockport, Cheshire) is an English actor best known for playing the role of Flt.
- Nicholas Lyndhurst
Nicholas Simon Lyndhurst (born 20 April 1961) is an English actor.
- Nicholas Hammond
Nicholas Hammond (born May 15, 1950) is an American-Australian actor and writer who is known for his roles as Friedrich von Trapp in the film The Sound of Music and as Peter Parker / Spider-Man on the television series The Amazing Spider-Man.
- Nicholas Lea
Nicholas Lea (born Nicholas Christopher Herbert; June 22, 1962) is a Canadian actor known for his portrayal of Alex Krycek on The X-Files and of Tom Foss on Kyle XY.
- Nicholas Pileggi
Nicholas Pileggi (, Italian: [piˈleːddʒi]; born February 22, 1933) is an American author, producer and screenwriter.
- Nicholas Turturro
Nicholas Turturro (born January 29, 1962) is an American actor, known for his roles in New York City based films and on the television series Blue Bloods and NYPD Blue.
- Nicholas Wisdom
Nicholas Wisdom (born 18 March 1953) is a former English cricketer, turned businessman.
- Denise Nicholas
Donna Denise Nicholas (born July 12, 1944) is a retired American actress and social activist who was involved in the Civil Rights Movement.
- Nichola McAuliffe
Nichola McAuliffe (born 27 August 1955) is an English television and stage actress and writer, best known for her role as Sheila Sabatini in the ITV sitcom Surgical Spirit (1989–1995).
- Nicholas Braun
Nicholas Joseph Braun (born May 1, 1988) is an American actor and musician.
- Nichola Burley
Nichola Ann Burley (born 26 December 1986) is an English actress.
- Nicholas Cowell
Nicholas Andrew Cowell (born 7 March 1961) is a British estate agent, co-founder and director of Estate Office Property Consultants, and head of the Cowell Group.
- Nicholas Pinnock
Nicholas Andre Pinnock (born 2 September 1973) is an English actor.
- Nichola Mallon
Nichola Mallon (born 23 August 1979) is an Irish SDLP politician.
- Nicholas Irving
Nicholas Irving is an American author and former soldier.
- Angeni
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Nichola Numerology: Name Nichola has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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