What does the name Nero mean? What is the meaning of the name Nero
Meaning of Nero: Name Nero in the Latin origin, means The person who is demanding or tough in dealing things.. Name Nero is of Latin origin and is a Boy name. People with name Nero are usually Judaism by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Nero: The person who is demanding or tough in dealing things.
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Famous people with name Nero (Namesakes)
- Franco Nero
Francesco Clemente Giuseppe Sparanero (born 23 November 1941), better known by his stage name Franco Nero, is an Italian actor.
- Peter Nero
Peter Nero (born Bernard Nierow, May 22, 1934) is an American pianist and pops conductor.
- Carlo Gabriel Nero
Carlo Gabriel Redgrave Nero (born Carlo Gabriel Sparanero; 16 September 1969 in London) is an Italian-English screenwriter and film director.
- Simone Del Nero
Simone Del Nero (born 4 August 1981) is an Italian footballer who plays as a midfielder for S.S.D. Massese.
- Chris Nero
Chris Nero (born 14 February 1981) is an Australian/Italian former professional rugby league footballer.
- Jesús Del Nero
Jesús del Nero Montes (born 16 March 1982 in Chinchón, Madrid) is a Spanish professional road bicycle racer who most recently rode for the UCI Professional Continental Team NetApp.
- Richard Nero
Richard Nero (born April 5, 1971) is a former Republican member of the Ohio House of Representatives, who represented the 42nd District briefly in 2008.
- Alexandre Nero
Alexandre Nero Vieira (born February 13, 1970) is a Brazilian actor, singer, songwriter, musician, arranger, sound designer and musical director.
- Peter Nero (umpire)
Peter John Nero (born 27 June 1964) is a cricket umpire from Trinidad and Tobago.
- Louis Nero
Louis Nero (born 24 September 1976) is an Italian film director and screenwriter.
- Marco Polo Del Nero
Marco Polo Del Nero (born 22 February 1941) is a Brazilian lawyer and sports administrator.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Nero Numerology: Name Nero has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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