What does the name Neely mean? What is the meaning of the name Neely?
Meaning of Neely: Name Neely in the Celtic origin, means The great champion of the nation.. Name Neely is of Celtic origin and is a Unisex name. People with name Neely are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Neely (Namesakes)
- Cam Neely
Cameron Michael Neely (born June 6, 1965) is a Canadian professional ice hockey executive and former player.
- Brad Neely
Brad Neely (born October 26, 1976) is an American comic book artist and television writer/producer known for his work on television series such as South Park, China, IL, and Brad Neely's Harg Nallin' Sclopio Peepio; the web series I Am Baby Cakes and The Professor Brothers; and Wizard People, Dear Reader.
- Ralph Neely
Ralph Eugene Neely (born September 12, 1943) is a former American football offensive tackle who played 13 seasons and 172 games for the Dallas Cowboys from 1965 to 1977.
- Bob Neely
Robert Barry Neely (born November 9, 1953 in Sarnia, Ontario) is a retired professional ice hockey player who played 283 NHL games for the Toronto Maple Leafs and the Colorado Rockies.
- Gary Neely
Gary Jason Neely (born 28 November 1974 in Derry, Northern Ireland) is an Irish cricketer.
- Bill Neely
Bill Neely (born 21 May 1959) is a Northern Irish journalist.
- Blake Neely
Blake Neely (born April 28, 1969) is an American composer, arranger, orchestrator, conductor, and author.
- Don Neely
Donald Owen Neely (born 21 December 1935) is a New Zealand cricket historian, administrator and former player.
- Richard Neely
Richard Forlani Neely (born August 2, 1941) is a former justice and chief justice of the West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals from 1973 to 1995.
- Bam Neely
Justin Bruce Rocheleau (born June 18, 1975) is an American former professional wrestler.
- Pat Neely
Pat Neely (born July 20, 1964) is an American restaurateur, television personality, and author.
- Anthony Neely
Anthony Neely (born May 20, 1986) is an American-Taiwanese singer and actor.
- Doug Neely
Doug Neely is a retired American soccer defender who had an extensive career in several American indoor leagues including the original Major Indoor Soccer League, Continental Indoor Soccer League and National Professional Soccer League.
- Neely Spence Gracey
Neely Spence Gracey (born 16 April 1990) is an American long-distance runner who competes in distances from 5000 metres to the marathon.
- Armistead Neely
Armistead Neely (born March 19, 1947) is an American former professional tennis player.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Neely Numerology: Name Neely has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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