What does the name Naz mean? What is the meaning of the name Naz?
Meaning of Naz: Name Naz in the Urdu origin, means The pride or the delicacy. Name Naz is of Urdu origin and is a Girl name.
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Famous people with name Naz (Namesakes)
- Naz Edwards
Naz Edwards (born Nazig Dombalagian (Western Armenian: Նազիգ Դոմբալագեան) on February 2, 1952) is an American voice actress, singer, and Broadway star who is most remembered as the voice of antagonist Queen Beryl in the DiC English version of Sailor Moon.
- Dave Naz
David F. Nazworthy, professionally known as Dave Naz (born 1969 in Los Angeles, California) is an American photographer and film director.
- Naz Aydemir
Naz Aydemir Akyol (born 14 August 1990) is a Turkish volleyball player.
- Rasheed Naz
Rasheed Naz (born 9 September 1948) is a Pakistani film and television actor.
- Naz Elmas
Naz Elmas (born 16 July 1983) is a Turkish actress.
- Naz Osmanoglu
Şehzade Nazım Ziyaeddin Nazım Osmanoğlu (born 24 September 1985), known professionally as Naz Osmanoglu, is a Turkish comedian and member of the Imperial House of Osman, former ruling dynasty of the Ottoman Empire.
- Rahima Naz
Rahima Naz (Urdu: رحیمہ ناز) (born 14 February 1986) is a Pakistani poet of Urdu and the Khowar language.
- Kanwal Naz
Kanwal Naz (born: 25 December 1989) is an international cricketer from Pakistan.
- Naz Shah
Naseem Shah (Urdu: نسیم شاہ) (born 13 November 1973) is a British Labour Party politician.
- Naz Mitrou-Long
Nazareth Jersey Mitrou-Long (born August 3, 1993) is a Canadian-Greek professional basketball player for the Indiana Pacers of the National Basketball Association (NBA), on a two-way contract with the Fort Wayne Mad Ants of the NBA G League.
- Dina Naz
Dina Naz is a Pakistani politician hailing from Kohat District, who served as a member of the 10th Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Assembly, belonging to the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf.
- Saniya Naz
Saniya Naz (Urdu: ثانیہ ناز; born 19 April 1988) is a Pakistani politician who had been a Member of the Provincial Assembly of Sindh, from June 2013 to May 2018.
- Jessica Naz
Jessica Naz (born 24 September 2000) is an English footballer who plays as a Forward for FA Women's Super League club Tottenham Hotspur.
- Naz Reid
Nazreon Hilton Reid (born August 26, 1999) is an American professional basketball player for the Minnesota Timberwolves of the National Basketball Association (NBA).
- Naz Worthen
Nasrallah Onea Worthen (born March 27, 1966) is a former American football wide receiver in the National Football League who played for the Kansas City Chiefs.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Naz Numerology: Name Naz has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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