What does the name Nathalia mean? What is the meaning of the name Nathalia
Meaning of Nathalia: Name Nathalia in the Latin, Spanish origin, means Same birthday as Christ.. Name Nathalia is of Latin, Spanish origin and is a Girl name. People with name Nathalia are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Nathalia (Namesakes)
- Nathalia Ramos
Nathalia Norah Ramos Cohen (born July 3, 1992) is an American actress known for her portrayals of Yasmin in the 2007 film Bratz, Jill in the 2013 film The Damned, and lead character Nina Martin in the 2011 Nickelodeon television series House of Anubis.
- Nathalia Sánchez
Nathalia Sánchez is a Colombian artistic gymnast who represented Colombia at the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics.
- Nathalia Alfaro
Nathalia Alfaro Paniagua (born April 8, 1987 in Heredia) is a female beach volleyball player from Costa Rica, who played in the Swatch FIVB World Tour 2005 at the Acapulco step, playing with Ingrid Morales.
Representing her native country during the 2006 Central American and Caribbean Games playing with Yanina Aguilar and the 2007 Pan American Games with Ingrid Morales, she finished eighth and ninth.
- Nathalia Dill
Nathalia Goyannes Dill Orrico (born March 24, 1986), better known as Nathalia Dill, is a Brazilian actress.
- Nathalia Kaur
Nathalia Kaur (born 15 August 1990) is a Brazilian model and actress who works in India.
- Nathalia Rakotondramanana
Harinelina Nathalia Rakotondramanana (born 15 January 1989, in Antananarivo) is a female weightlifter set to represent Madagascar at the 2012 Summer Olympics.
- Nathalia Timberg
Nathalia Timberg (born August 5, 1929) is a Brazilian actress.
- Nathalia Melo-Wilson
Nathalia Melo-Wilson, née Nathalia Melo Moreira, (born January 19, 1984) is a Brazilian-born American IFBB Pro fitness and figure competitor (bikini category), fitness model, and personal trainer.
- Nathalia Acevedo
Nathalia Acevedo (born November 22, 1984) is a Mexican actress best known for her acting debut in Carlos Reygadas' Post Tenebras Lux which premiered in competition at the 2012 Cannes Film Festival and won for Reygadas the Best Director Award.
- Nathalia Aragonese
Nathalia Aragonese Molina (born September 9, 1981 in Santiago) is a Chilean television, film, and theater actress and theater director.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Nathalia Numerology: Name Nathalia has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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