What does the name Naoko mean? What is the meaning of the name Naoko
Meaning of Naoko: Name Naoko in the Japanese origin, means Respectful and submissive child.. Name Naoko is of Japanese origin and is a Girl name. People with name Naoko are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Naoko (Namesakes)
- Naoko Takeuchi
Naoko Takeuchi (武内 直子, Takeuchi Naoko, Japanese: [ta.keꜜ.ɯ.tɕi naꜜ.o.ko] born March 15, 1967) is a Japanese manga artist.
- Naoko Yamazaki
Naoko Yamazaki (山崎 直子, Yamazaki Naoko, born December 27, 1970) is a former Japanese astronaut at JAXA, and the second Japanese woman to fly in space.
- Naoko Ken
Naoko Ken (研 ナオコ, Ken Naoko) (born July 7, 1953) is a Japanese singer and actress.
- Naoko Iijima
Naoko Iijima (飯島直子, Iijima Naoko) is a Japanese television and film actress and a former gravure idol who was born on February 29, 1968 in Kōhoku-ku, a ward of the city of Yokohama in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan.
- Naoko Mori
Naoko Mori (森 尚子, Mori Naoko, born 29 November 1971) is a Japanese actress who lives and works mainly in the UK. Mori is best known for her roles as Toshiko Sato in Torchwood, Sarah in Absolutely Fabulous and Nicola in Spice World.
- Naoko Matsui
Naoko Matsui (松井 菜桜子, Matsui Naoko, born April 4, 1961) is a Japanese voice actress and narrator from Hakodate, Hokkaido.
- Naoko Kouda
Yumiko Satō (佐藤 由美子, Satō Yumiko, born March 22, 1959 in Hokkaidō), better known by the stage name Naoko Kouda (幸田 直子, Kōda Naoko, previously credited with the Kanji 幸田 奈穂子), is a Japanese voice actress who works for Mausu Promotion.
- Naoko Yamano
Naoko Yamano (山野直子, Yamano Naoko, born December 18, 1960) is a musician and founder of the Japanese rock trio all-female band Shonen Knife.
- Naoko Watanabe (voice actress)
Naoko Watanabe (渡辺 菜生子, Watanabe Naoko, born November 21, 1959) is a Japanese voice actress from Suginami, Tokyo.
- Naoko Kumagai
Naoko Kumagai (born August 8, 1971 in Yamanashi) is a Japanese female kickboxer and 3-time World Champion in 3 different weight classes.
- Naoko Watanabe (actress)
Naoko Watanabe (渡辺奈緒子, Watanabe Naoko) is a Japanese actress and model who was born in Kanagawa Prefecture on July 30, 1984.
- Naoko Ogigami
Naoko Ogigami (荻上 直子, Ogigami Naoko, born 1972 in Chiba Prefecturea) is a Japanese film director.
- Naoko Kawakami
Naoko Kawakami (川上 直子, Kawakami Naoko, born November 16, 1977) is a former Japanese football player.
- Naoko Sato
Naoko Sato (佐藤 直子, Satō Naoko, born 2 January 1955 ) is a retired Japanese female professional tennis player.
- Naoko Ishihara
Naoko Ishihara (石原 奈央子, Ishihara Naoko, born 22 October 1974) is a Japanese sports shooter from Kanuma.
- Naoko Kume
Naoko Kume (久米 直子, Kume Naoko, born 29 April 1963) is a Japanese swimmer.
- Naoko Nozawa
Naoko Nozawa (野沢 直子, Nozawa Naoko, born 29 March 1963, in Tokyo) is a Japanese comedian.
- Naoko Fujioka
Naoko Fujioka (藤岡奈穂子, Fujioka Naoko, born 18 August 1975) is a Japanese professional boxer.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 2
Baby Name Naoko Numerology: Name Naoko has a number value of 2 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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