What does the name Nan mean? What is the meaning of the name Nan
Meaning of Nan: Name Nan in the Hebrew, English origin, means Grace, elegant, poise, balanced. Name Nan is of Hebrew, English origin and is a Girl name. People with name Nan are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Nan (Namesakes)
- Wei Nan
Wei Nan (Chinese: 魏楠) (born 4 January 1984) is a male badminton player from Hong Kong.
- Nan Goldin
Nancy "Nan" Goldin (born September 12, 1953) is an American photographer.
- Nan Warshaw
Nan Warshaw (born November 2, 1962) is the Co-Founder of Bloodshot Records, an independent record label based out of Chicago.
- Nan A. Talese
Nan Talese (née Ahearn; born December 19, 1933) is an American editor, and a veteran of the New York publishing industry.
- Nan Rich
Nan Rich (born February 9, 1942) is an American politician from the state of Florida and currently serves as a county commissioner in Broward County, Florida.
- Yu Nan
Yu Nan (Chinese: 余男; born 5 September 1978) is a Chinese actress.
- Nan Laird
Nan McKenzie Laird (born September 18, 1943) is a professor in Biostatistics at Harvard School of Public Health.
- Chen Nan
Chen Nan (simplified Chinese: 陈楠; traditional Chinese: 陳楠; pinyin: Chén Nán; born January 8, 1983) is a Chinese basketball player.
- Sun Nan
Sun Nan (Chinese: 孙楠; pinyin: Sūn Nán; born February 18, 1969) is a pop singer from Dalian in mainland China.
- Song Nan
Song Nan (Chinese: 宋楠; pinyin: Sòng Nán; born August 9, 1990) is a Chinese figure skater.
- Nan Vernon
Nancy Claire "Nan" Vernon (born October 7, 1967) is a Canadian singer and actress.
- Nan Hayworth
Nan Alison Sutter Hayworth (née Sutter; born December 14, 1959) is an American ophthalmologist and former Congresswoman for New York's 19th congressional district.
- Ariel Nan
Ariel Nan (Ariel Hernán Morel born in Monte Grande, Buenos Aires Province, December 9, 1979) is an Argentine musician, singer, songwriter and actor.
- Aditha
- Wu Nan
Wu Nan (simplified Chinese: 吴楠; traditional Chinese: 吳楠; pinyin: Wú Nán; born December 9, 1991 in Beijing) is a Chinese ice dancer.
- Nan Whaley
- Kim Jung-nan
Kim Jung-nan (born Kim Hyun-ah on July 16, 1971) is a South Korean actress.
- Pong Nan
Nan Yik-Pong, better known by his stage name Pong Nan (Chinese: 藍奕邦, 蓝奕邦; born 15 May 1978), is a Cantopop musician, singer-songwriter and actor in Hong Kong of Hakka ancestry.
- Nan Xiaoheng
Nan Xiaoheng (Chinese: 南小亨; pinyin: Nán Xiǎohēng; born 23 December 1995) is a Chinese footballer who currently plays for Jiangsu Suning in the Chinese Super League.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 2
Baby Name Nan Numerology: Name Nan has a number value of 2 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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