What does the name Nam mean? What is the meaning of the name Nam
Meaning of Nam: Name Nam in the Vietnamese origin, means Possessing good qualities befitting a man.. Name Nam is of Vietnamese origin and is a Boy name. People with name Nam are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Nam (Namesakes)
- Kim Nam-joo (singer)
Kim Nam-joo (born April 15, 1995), better known by the mononym Namjoo, is a South Korean singer and actress.
- Kim Yong-nam
Kim Yong-nam (Korean: 김영남; born February 4, 1928) is the former President of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of North Korea, from 1998 to 2019.
- Kim Ki-nam
Kim Ki-nam (Korean: 김기남; born August 28, 1934) is a North Korean official.
- Leonardo Nam
Leonardo Nam (born 5 November 1979) is an Argentine-Australian actor of Korean descent actor known for playing Felix Lutz in Westworld.
- Nam Sang-mi
Nam Sang-mi (born May 3, 1984) is a South Korean actress.
- Nam Gyu-ri
Nam Gyu-ri (Korean: 남규리; born on April 26, 1985 in Seoul, South Korea) is a South Korean singer and actress.
- Nam Phan
Nhat Nam Si Phan (born March 13, 1983), better known as Nam Phan, is an American mixed martial artist and professional boxer.
- Kim Nam-gil
Kim Nam-gil (Korean: 김남길; born March 13, 1980) is a South Korean actor, producer, singer and philanthropist.
- Nam Ji-hyun (actress)
Nam Ji-hyun (Korean: 남지현; born September 17, 1995) is a South Korean actress who successfully transitioned from being one of the industry's premiere child artists to an acclaimed lead, well-loved for her roles in Queen Seondeok, Shopping King Louis, Suspicious Partner and 100 Days My Prince.
- Nam Bo-ra
Nam Bo-ra (Korean: 남보라; born November 27, 1989) is a South Korean actress.
- Namkoong Min
Namkoong Min (Hangul: 남궁민, born March 12, 1978) is a South Korean actor, director and screenwriter.
- Jang Young-nam
Jang Young-nam (born November 25, 1973) is a South Korean actress.
- Eric Nam
Eric Nam (Hangul: 에릭남; born November 17, 1988) is an American singer, songwriter and television host of Korean descent.
- Nam Woo-hyun
Nam Woo-hyun (Korean: 남우현; born February 8, 1991), also known mononymously as Woohyun, is a South Korean singer, songwriter, composer, and actor.
- Nam Da-reum
Nam Da-reum (born June 13, 2002) is a South Korean actor.
- Nam Joo-hyuk
Nam Joo-hyuk (born February 22, 1994) is a South Korean model and actor.
- Nam Jin
Nam Jin (Korean: 남진; born September 27, 1946) is a South Korean trot singer.
- Nam Tae-hyun
Nam Tae-hyun (born in May 10, 1994), also known as Taehyun, is a South Korean singer, songwriter, producer and actor.
- Nam Sang-nam
Nam Sang-nam (born 15 August 1947) is a South Korean former swimmer.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Nam Numerology: Name Nam has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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