What does the name Nair mean? What is the meaning of the name Nair
Meaning of Nair: Name Nair in the Malayalam origin, means The leader or the soldier. Name Nair is of Malayalam origin and is a Boy name. People with name Nair are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Nair (Namesakes)
- Karun Nair
Karun Kaladharan Nair (born 6 December 1991) is an Indian international cricketer who plays for Karnataka in domestic cricket.
- Mira Nair
Mira Nair (born 15 October 1957) is an Indian-American filmmaker based in New York City.
- M. T. Vasudevan Nair
Madath Thekkepaattu Vasudevan Nair (born 9 August 1933), popularly known as MT, is an Indian author, screenplay writer and film director.
- Navya Nair
Dhanya Veena Raju Nair, better known by her stage name Navya Nair, is an Indian film actress who has starred in Malayalam, Tamil, and Kannada films.
- Richard Lee McNair
Richard Lee McNair (born December 19, 1958) is a convicted murderer known for his ability to escape and elude capture.
- Anita Nair
Anita Nair (born 26 January 1966) is an Indian novelist who writes her books in English-language.
- Anaitha Nair
Anaitha Nair (born 19 July 1984) is an Indian film and theatre actress and singer, best known for playing the role of Aliya Bose, a member of the Indian women's national hockey team, in the sports-oriented film Chak De India (2007), starring Shahrukh Khan.
- Karthika Nair
Karthika Nair (born 27 June 1992) is an Indian film actress in the South Indian film industry.
- Deepa Nair
- Parvati Nair
Parvati Nair (born Parvathy Venugopal Nair) is an Indian model and actress who works in the South Indian film industry.
- Aparna Nair
Aparna Nair is an Indian film actress, who appears in Malayalam films.
- Thulasi Nair
Thulasi Nair is former Indian film actress who has appeared in 2 Tamil language films.
- Dileesh Nair
Dileesh Nair (born 23 July 1981) is an Indian film director and screenwriter who works in Malayalam cinema.
- Sudev Nair
Sudev Nair is an Indian film actor known for his performance in the Malayalam film My Life Partner, for which he was awarded the Kerala State Film Award for Best Actor in 2015.
- Meghna Nair
- Arjun Nair
Arjun Nair (born 12 April 1998) is an Australian cricketer .
- Anjali Nair
Anjali Nair is an Indian film actress and model who predominantly works in Malayalam Cinema.
- Sujit Nair
Sujit Nair (born 24 August 1970) is a political commentator, anchor and a communication professional.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Nair Numerology: Name Nair has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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