What does the name Nadiya mean? What is the meaning of the name Nadiya
Meaning of Nadiya: Name Nadiya in the Russian origin, means Black. Name Nadiya is of Russian origin and is a Girl name. People with name Nadiya are usually Muslim by religion.
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Famous people with name Nadiya (Namesakes)
- Nadiya Dusanova
Nadiya Dusanova (Надия Дусанова; born 17 November 1987 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan) is a Uzbekistani high jumper.
- Ibrahima Nadiya
Ibrahima Ndiaye (born 11 March 1985 in Dakar) is a Qatari footballer, who currently plays .
- Nadiya Kazimirchuk
Nadiya Kazimirchuk-Fortunatova (Ukrainian: Надія Миколаївна Казімірчук-Фортунатова; born 27 September 1978) is a Ukrainian épée fencer, bronze medallist at the 2006 European Fencing Championships.
- Nadiya Stavko
Nadezhda "Nadiya" Hryhorivna Stavko (Ukrainian: Надія Григорівна Ставко; Russian: Надежда Григорьевна Ставко; born 3 May 1958) is a retired Ukrainian swimmer.
- Nadiya Myronyuk
Nadiya Mykolaïvna Myronyuk (Ukrainian: Надія Миколаївна Миронюк; born March 25, 1984 in Volyn Oblast) is a Ukrainian weightlifter.
- Nadiya Beshevli
Nadiya Beshevli (Ukrainian: Надія Бешевлі; born 8 February 1982) is a Ukrainian former swimmer, who specialized in freestyle and backstroke events.
- Nadiya Savchenko
Nadiya Viktorivna Savchenko (Ukrainian: Надія Вікторівна Савченко; born 11 May 1981) is a Ukrainian politician and former Army aviation pilot in the Ukrainian Ground Forces.
- Natalie and Nadiya Anderson
Natalie Anderson and Nadiya Anderson (born April 11, 1986) are American television personalities and twins, most commonly known as The Twinnies.
- Nadiya Hussain
Nadiya Jamir Hussain (née Begum; born 25 December 1984) is a British TV chef, author, and television presenter.
- Nadiya Bodrova
Nadiya Bodrova (born 13 July 1961) is a Ukrainian hurdler.
- Nadiya Bychkova
Nadiya Bychkova (Ukrainian: Надія Бичкова) (born 24 August 1989 in Luhansk, Ukraine) is a Ukrainian-Slovenian ballroom and Latin American dancer who competes for Slovenia with Miha Vodicar.
- Nadiya Billova
Nadiya Billova (born 2 September 1961) is a Ukrainian former biathlete and biathlon coach.
- Nadiya Usenko
Nadiia Usenko (born 29 January 2000 in Kiev) is a Ukrainian professional squash player.
- Nadiya Baranova
Nadiya Baranova (Ukrainian: Надія Андріївна Баранова; born 5 July 1983) is a Ukrainian football goalie.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Nadiya Numerology: Name Nadiya has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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