What does the name Na mean? What is the meaning of the name Na
Meaning of Na: Name Na in the Chinese origin, means An elegant or smooth person.. Name Na is of Chinese origin and is a Girl name. People with name Na are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Na (Namesakes)
- Lee Ha-na
Lee Ha-na (born September 23, 1982) is a South Korean actress.
- Na Ying
Na Ying (born 27 November 1967) is a Chinese vocalist.
- Ming-Na Wen
Ming-Na Wen (Chinese: 溫明娜; born November 20, 1963) is a Chinese-American actress and voice actress.
- Lee Na-young
Lee Na-young (Korean: 이나영; RR: Yi Nayeong; born February 22, 1979) is a South Korean actress.
- Jang Na-ra
Jang Na-ra (Korean: 장나라; born March 18, 1981) is a South Korean singer, record producer and actress active in both the South Korean and Chinese entertainment industries since 2001.
- Li Na
Li Na (born 26 February 1982) is a retired Chinese tennis player.
- Na Hoon-a
Na Hoon-a (Korean: 나훈아; born Choe Hong-gi, Korean: 최홍기 on February 11, 1947) is a South Korean trot singer who debuted in 1966.
- Kevin Na
Kevin Sangwook Na (Korean: 나상욱; born September 15, 1983) is a Korean American professional golfer currently playing on the PGA Tour.
- Na Young-hee
Na Young-hee (born September 20, 1961) is a South Korean actress.
- G.NA
Gina Jane Choi (born September 13, 1987), better known by her stage name G.NA, is a Canadian singer, songwriter and actress based in South Korea.
- Yoo In-na
Yoo In-na (born June 5, 1982) is a South Korean actress and DJ. After supporting roles in High Kick!
- Xie Na
Xie Na (simplified Chinese: 谢娜; traditional Chinese: 謝娜; pinyin: Xiè Nà) (born May 6, 1981), also known as "Nana," is a Chinese host, singer and actress.
- Yin Na
Yin Na (Chinese: 殷娜; pinyin: Yīn Nà; born 3 February 1988 in Tianjin) is a female Chinese volleyball player.
- Zhao Na
Zhao Na (Chinese: 赵娜; pinyin: Zhao Na, born 29 April 1984) is a road cyclist from China.
- Na Young-seok
Na Young-seok (born April 15, 1976) is a South Korean television producer and director.
- Son Na-eun
Son Na-eun (born February 10, 1994) is a South Korean singer, songwriter, and actress.
- Park Ha-na
Park Ha-na (born July 25, 1985) is a South Korean actress.
- Eddie Na
Edward Kyung-Rim Na (born February 12, 1996), known as Eddie Na, is a soccer player who plays for the Tacoma Stars Reserves in the Western Indoor Soccer League, as a striker.
- Park Yoo-na
Park Yoo-na (born December 23, 1997) is a South Korean actress.
- Na In-woo
Na In-woo (born Na Jong-chan on 17 September 1994) is a South Korean actor.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Na Numerology: Name Na has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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