What does the name Myung mean? What is the meaning of the name Myung?
Meaning of Myung: Name Myung in the Korean origin, means Bright and clear. Name Myung is of Korean origin and is a Boy name. People with name Myung are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Myung (Namesakes)
- Park Myung-soo
Park Myung-soo (a.k.a.
- Chun Jung-myung
Chun Jung-myung (Korean: 천정명, born November 29, 1980) is a South Korean actor.
- John Myung
John Ro Myung (; born January 24, 1967) is a Korean American bassist and a founding member of the progressive metal group Dream Theater.
- Hong Myung-bo
Hong Myung-bo (Korean: 홍명보, Hanja: 洪明甫; Korean pronunciation: [hoŋmjʌŋbo]; born 12 February 1969) is a South Korean former footballer and former manager of the South Korean national team.
- Ri Myung-hun
Ri Myung-hun (born 14 September 1967), also known as Michael Ri after his favorite basketball player Michael Jordan, is a North Korean former basketball player.
- Lee Myung-jin
Lee Myung-jin (born 1974) is a South Korean manhwa artist.
- Lee Myung-bak
Lee Myung-bak (Korean: 이명박; Hanja: 李明博; ; Korean: [i.mjʌŋ.bak̚]; born 19 December 1941) is a former South Korean politician and businessman who served as President of South Korea from 2008 to 2013.
- Myung-whun Chung
Myung-whun Chung (born 22 January 1953, Seoul) is a South Korean conductor and pianist.
- Kim Myung-min
Kim Myung-min (Korean: 김명민, born October 8, 1972) is a South Korean actor.
- Myung Se-bin
Myung Se-bin (born April 10, 1975) is a South Korean actress from the Seochok Myeong clan.
- Kim Myung-gon
Kim Myung-gon (born December 3, 1952) is a South Korean actor, screenwriter and music director.
- Choi Myung-gil
Choi Myung-gil (born November 11, 1962) is a South Korean actress.
- Lee Myung-jae
Lee Myung-jae (Korean: 이명재; Hanja: 李明載; born 4 November 1993) is a South Korean football Defender who plays for Ulsan Hyundai FC and the South Korea national under-20 football team.
- Kim Dae-myung
Kim Dae-myung (born December 16, 1980) is a South Korean actor.
- Gong Myung
Gong Myung (born Kim Dong-hyun on May 26, 1994) is a South Korean actor.
- Yoo Jae-myung
Yoo Jae-myung (born June 3, 1973) is a South Korean actor.
- Park Myung-hoon
Park Myung-hoon (Korean: 박명훈; born May 28, 1975), is a South Korean actor.
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Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details
Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Myung Numerology: Name Myung has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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