What does the name Myo mean? What is the meaning of the name Myo
Meaning of Myo: Name Myo in the Burmese origin, means Relative. Name Myo is of Burmese origin and is a Unisex name. People with name Myo are usually Buddhist by religion.
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Famous people with name Myo (Namesakes)
- Myo Min Tun
Myo Min Tun (born 14 July 1983) is a footballer from Myanmar.
- Nay Myo Aung
Nay Myo Aung (born 19 July 1986) is an athlete from Myanmar, who competes in archery.
- Nay Myo Thant
Nay Myo Thant (Burmese: နေမျိုးသန့်; จำรัส ทัศนละวาด) is a Burmese writer.
- Aung Myo Thant
Aung Myo Thant (Burmese: အောင်မျိုးသန့်;born 1 December 1984) is a footballer from Myanmar.
- Myo Min Latt
Myo Min Latt (Burmese: မျိုးမင်းလတ်; born 20 February 1995) is a footballer from Burma, and a goalkeeper for Myanmar national football team and the Myanmar U-22 football team.
- Myo Hlaing Win
Myo Hlaing Win (Burmese: မျိုးလှိုင်ဝင်း) is an Myanmar international footballer who plays as a forward He was the top goalscorer at the 1998 Tiger Cup.
- Myo Zaw Aung
Myo Zaw Aung (Burmese: မျိုးဇော်အောင်; born 14 August 1980) is a Burmese politician who currently serves as a member of parliament in the House of Representatives for Kawlin Township constituency.
- Hlaing Myo Aung
Hlaing Myo Aung (born 23 April 1996) is a Burmese footballer who plays as a midfielder for Kanbawza.
- Myo Kyawt Myaing
Myo Kyawt Myaing (Burmese: မျိုးကျော့မြိုင်; pronounced [mjó tɕɔ̰ mjàiɴ]; born 29 April 1971) is a Burmese singer, record producer and audio engineer.
- Myo Win
Myo Win (Burmese: မျိုးဝင်း; born 13 November 1952) is a Burmese dental professor who served as Rector of the University of Dental Medicine, Yangon from 2008 to 2012.
- Myo Gyi
Myo Gyi (Burmese: မျိုးကြီး; born Myo Min Htay on 22 March 1976) is a Burmese rock singer and guitarist.
- Myo Thein Gyi
Myo Thein Gyi (Burmese: မျိုးသိမ်းကြီး; born 2 September 1965) is the incumbent Minister for Education of Myanmar.
- Aung Myo
Aung Myo (Burmese: အောင်မျိုး; born 3 February 1963) is a Burmese politician and former political prisoner, currently serving as Amyotha Hluttaw MP for Sagaing Region № 2 Constituency.
- Myo Ko Ko San
Myo Ko Ko San (Burmese: မျိူးကိုကိုစန်း; born 1 September 1994) is a Burmese transgender model, LGBT rights activist and beauty pageant titleholder who was elected Miss International Queen Myanmar 2014 and represented Myanmar at the Miss International Queen 2014.
- Myo Aung
Myo Aung (Burmese: မျိုးအောင်, born 17 February 1951) is a Burmese politician and medical doctor, currently serves as an Amyotha Hluttaw MP for Kayin State No.
- Myo Win Nyunt
Myo Win Nyunt (born 19 February 1950) is a Burmese footballer.
- Aung Myo Hlaing
Aung Myo Hlaing (Burmese: အောင်မျိုးလှိုင်; also known as Aung Aung (အောင်အောင်)) is a Burmese chess International Master.
- Myo Naing
Myo Naing (Burmese: မျိုးနိုင်) is a Burmese chess International Master.
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Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details
Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Myo Numerology: Name Myo has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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