What does the name Mustapha mean? What is the meaning of the name Mustapha
Meaning of Mustapha: Name Mustapha in the Arabic, Middle East origin, means The chosen one. Name Mustapha is of Arabic, Middle East origin and is a Boy name. People with name Mustapha are usually Islam, Muslim by religion.
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Famous people with name Mustapha (Namesakes)
- Mustapha Hadji
Mustapha Hadji (born 16 November 1971) is a retired Moroccan footballer and the current assistant manager of the Morocco national team.
- Mustapha Chadili
Mustapha Chadili (Arabic: مصطفى الشاذلي) (born 14 February 1973 in Casablanca) is a retired Moroccan football goalkeeper who played for FAR Rabat.
- Mustapha Sama
Mustapha Pa Safa Sama (born 31 October 1979 in Freetown) is a Sierra Leonean former soccer player.
- Riga Mustapha
Rahamat Riga Mustapha (born 10 October 1981) is a Ghanaian-born Dutch professional footballer who last played as a striker for Pune F.C. in the Indian I-League.
- Mustapha Dahleb
Mustapha Dahleb (born 8 February 1952) is an Algerian former professional footballer who played as a midfielder.
- Mustapha Carayol
Mustapha Soon Carayol (born 4 September 1988) is a Gambian professional footballer who plays as a winger for Turkish club Adana Demirspor and the Gambia national team.
- Mustapha Farrakhan Jr.
Mustapha M. Farrakhan Jr. (born November 2, 1988) is an American professional basketball player who currently plays for the Ball Hogs of the Big3 basketball league.
- Mustapha Sahnoune
Mustapha Sahnoune (born January 27, 1937) is an Algerian songwriter.
- Abdullahi Mustapha
Abdullahi Mustapha (born 1 February 1948) is a Nigerian Professor of Medicinal Chemistry and former Vice Chancellor of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria.
- Mustapha Essaïd
Mustapha Essaïd (born 20 January 1970 in El Ksiba) is a retired Moroccan-born French runner who specialized in the 5000 metres and cross-country running.
- Mustapha Kanit
Mustapha Kanit (born 24 January 1991 in Alessandria) is an Italian professional poker player.
- Mustapha Bundu
- Mustapha Abdul-Hamid
Mustapha Abdul-Hamid is a Ghanaian politician and lecturer.
- Mustapha Haida
Mustapha Haida (born 12 October 1988) is an Moroccan - Italian Muay Thai kickboxer who competes in the middleweight and welterweight divisions.
- Mustapha Heron
Mustapha Heron (born December 12, 1997) is an American college basketball player for the St.
- Ibrahim Mustapha
Ibrahim Mustapha (born 1 September 1996) is a Nigerian international footballer who plays for Plateau United as a striker.
- Ussif Mustapha
Ussif Mustapha is a Ghanaian politician.
- Mustapha Lakhsem
Mustapha Lakhsem (born 19 September 1972) is a kickboxer.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Mustapha Numerology: Name Mustapha has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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