3199 Muslim Baby Boy Names With Meanings

Expecting a baby marks the beginning of some of life's most precious moments. Congratulations on embarking on this wonderful journey!

Are you searching for the perfect Muslim name for your baby Boy? Welcome to The ParentZ's comprehensive list of Muslim Baby Boy Names. Thank you for choosing The ParentZ Baby Name Finder - home to the largest collection of baby names—where you can explore Muslim names with meanings for your newborn or expected baby. We understand how important it is for parents to choose the perfect name for their baby Boy.

Our collection includes a wide variety of Muslim Baby Boy Names - ranging from traditional and religious names to modern, trendy, and cute options. Whether you're looking for short and sweet names or something easy to pronounce, this list will help you find the perfect name for your baby Boy!

You can browse all Muslim baby Boy names alphabetically, along with their meanings, and filter them by different categories. Click on any name to learn more about its meaning and origin.

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Muslim Baby Names for Boys List


One who is wise and intelligent.


A person who is wishful and healthy


Name of the Angel, 8th Persian month, angel of iron, name aban also in some cases has the meaning spontaneous and versatile


Moon light, early, quick. It is derived from the B-D-R root which is used in the Quran in verse 3:123 in the word Badr, which means 'full moon' and is the name of a famous battle.




Powerful, complete, worshipper of allah, it also signifies the one who is good intellectually and requires several outlet of energies, Worshipper


Zainul abidin is a Islam name for baby Boy and meaning is Ornament of the worshippers, it is probably taken from early Islamic leader Zainul abidin


Meaning of word aabinus is Ebony, Dark colored


lucky, it also means grim-faced, fierce-faced, the Boy named aabis seems to be fortunate, meeting with good success


Malay version of Adam, meaning 'father of mankind', Earth


aadeel means Righteous and Just, it also means one who acts with justice and fairness, moderate, virtuous, excellent in character


The word aadheen means obedient, one who comply with commands and is submissive


The name means one who acts with justice and fairness, moderate, virtuous, excellent in character


aadil means righteous, high in moral and virtuous, suggesting sanctimonious, Just, Upright, Justice


aadroop means embodiment or typing of beginning less




the person who has a very sound body and health, Vigor, Vitality, Good health


sunlight or the Sun, chief, master


The word means Someone in control over something, Lord, chief


The name aaghaa means Someone in control over something, Lord, chief


Unity, oneness, harmony


Arabic word that means 'great king', 'great leader', 'emperor', a king or ruler who presides over multiple nations and countries, Prince


The act of being strongly bonded towards someone or attached, it also means 'one who stays at the mosque to worship Allah, one who stays away from people to dedicate himself to Allah


Name of a famous companion of Prophet Muhammad.


aalam has a meaning of World or universe, the one belonging to the whole World

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