What does the name Mumtaz mean? What is the meaning of the name Mumtaz?
Meaning of Mumtaz: Name Mumtaz means Distinguished, Superior, Outstanding. Name Mumtaz is a Girl name. People with name Mumtaz are usually Muslim by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Mumtaz: Distinguished, Superior, Outstanding
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Famous people with name Mumtaz (Namesakes)
- Mumtaz (actress)
Mumtaz or Mumtaz Madhvani (née Askari; born 31 July 1947) is a Hindi Film actress.
- Mumtaz Bhutto
Mumtaz Ali Khan Bhutto (Urdu: ممتاز علی بھٹو , Sindhi: ممتاز علي ڀٽو) (born 28 November 1933), is a Pakistani politician who has served as 8th Governor of Sindh and later the 13th Chief Minister of Sindh.
- Mumtaz Sorcar
Mumtaz Sorcar, informally (pet name) known as "Pratiti Sorcar", is an Indian film actress.
- Mumtaz Habib
Mumtaz Habib is an Afghan cricketer.
- Mumtaz Khan Akbar
Mumtaz Khan Akbar (Urdu: ممتاز خان اکبر) is the founder and owner of the Mumtaz brand.
- Urooj Mumtaz
Urooj Mumtaz Khan (Urdu: عروج ممتاز) (born 1 October 1985) is a Pakistani women cricket commentator, television host, dentist, and former cricketer.
She is a dentist by profession.
- Samiya Mumtaz
Samiya Mumtaz (Urdu: سمیعہ ممتاز) (born 1970, Karachi), is a Pakistani film and television actress.
- Mumtaz Kahloon
Mohammad Mumtaz Akhtar Kahloon (born 1 November 1956) is the District President of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, Sargodha District.
- Mumtaz Akhtar
Mumtaz Akhtar (born 8 December 1988) is an Indian professional footballer who plays as a central midfielder for Pune in the I-League.
- Ruslaan Mumtaz
Ruslaan Mumtaz (born 2 August 1982) is an Indian film and television actor.
- Anjana Mumtaz
Anjana Mumtaz is an Indian actress, who is known for her supporting roles in over a hundred Hindi and Gujarati-language films.
- Goher Mumtaz
Goher Mumtaz (Urdu: گوہر ممتاز) is a Pakistani musician, singer-songwriter, music composer, guitarist and actor.
- Mumtaz Shaikh
Mumtaz Shaikh (born 18 November 1981) is a women's rights activist from India who launched a successful campaign for equal access to public toilets in Mumbai.
- Mumtaz Qadir
Mumtaz Qadir (born 17 November 1986) is an Indian cricketer.
- Asif Mumtaz
Asif Mumtaz (born 3 October 1988) is a Pakistani cricketer.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 22
Baby Name Mumtaz Numerology: Name Mumtaz has a number value of 22 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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